Edition 24056

I'M BACK! ~ Your Ultimate Truth, Labor Day, Recruiting & No More Coaches???

🚀 Flip the Script and Unlock Success: Your internal narrative can either propel you to new heights or keep you stuck in the same place. In today’s newsletter, I dive into how the stories we tell ourselves shape our reality—and why it’s crucial to choose a narrative that drives you forward. Plus, learn how to make the most of Labor Day weekend in real estate, and discover the transformative power of 20 Groups. Ready to change your story? Let’s connect and make it happen! 💬

Reach out to me on Facebook, Instagram, or LinkedIn with your thoughts and feedback!

Your Daily Dose

Flip the Script: How the Story You Tell Yourself Can Make or Break Your Success

The story you tell yourself is everything. It’s the blueprint that shapes your reality, day in and day out. If you’re not careful, that story can turn into a trap—a mental prison that keeps you stuck where you are instead of pushing you to where you want to be.

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I was talking to a real estate agent the other day about this very thing. I asked her how she was doing, and man, she just unloaded.

Her story was that the market’s horrible, everyone’s broke, the economy’s tanking, interest rates are sky-high, and the leads she’s getting from XYZ site are garbage.

She went on and on, spiraling deeper into this negative narrative until finally, she stopped and looked at me. “What? You don’t think so?” she asked, clearly noticing the look on my face.

I must’ve had that ‘I totally disagree’ expression going because what I was really feeling was, “I need to distance myself from this as fast as possible.” And I bet that’s exactly what a lot of her clients feel like, too.

So I said, “No, I don’t think so at all.” Because here’s what I see: I see a market that’s hopping. Everywhere I look, I see opportunity.

I see homes getting built at a record pace in our community. I see a downtown that’s coming back to life. I see a community that’s coming together, with people starting new businesses every day and more potential businesses eyeing our market, bringing jobs with them.

I see folks escaping the cold Northwest and retiring here in our somewhat moderate climate, families starting farms and homesteads, and moving out of big cities to raise their kids here in Kingman.

I see mortgage rates in the 5’s, and people owning homes for under $2,000 a month. I see application after application from people looking to get prequalified to buy a home. I see homeowners pulling cash out of their homes to remodel, to buy that RV they’ve always wanted.

I see and am experiencing the best year I’ve ever had, and I’m not alone in that.

I see all those things because that’s the truth I choose to hear, and the truth I choose to speak. That’s my narrative. That’s my reality.

If you’re not careful about the story you’re telling yourself, it can either be a bridge that takes you to where you want to go, or it can be a barrier that keeps you stuck in the same old place. So make sure you’re writing a story that moves you forward, not one that holds you back.

Your internal narrative is more powerful than you might realize—it's the key to unlocking your potential or the chains that hold you back. So, what story are you telling yourself today? Is it lifting you up or weighing you down? How will you rewrite your narrative to build bridges instead of barriers?

Let’s talk about it—what’s your truth, and how can you shape it to create the reality you want?

Turn Labor Day Weekend Into Your Biggest Real Estate Win of the Year

Labor Day weekend is right around the corner, and while most people are kicking back, you’ve got an incredible opportunity to take your real estate game to the next level.

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Here’s the deal: while everyone else is chilling, you can be out there hustling, making connections, and setting yourself up for success in the coming months. This weekend is your chance to show up, stand out, and put in the work that others won’t. Let’s break down how you can absolutely crush it.

1. Host a Killer Open House

First off, if you’re not hosting an open house this weekend, you’re missing out. People are out and about, they’re in a relaxed mood, and they’ve got time to spare. This is prime time to get potential buyers through the door. But don’t just throw together some cookie-cutter open house—make it an experience. Think beyond just showing the house. Offer some refreshments, maybe even a local vendor collaboration, and create a vibe that makes people want to stay and chat. The longer they stay, the more likely they are to fall in love with the place.

2. Leverage Social Media Like a Pro

This weekend is a content goldmine. Don’t let it slip through your fingers. Get out there, create some killer content, and flood your social media channels with it. Do a live tour of your open house, share behind-the-scenes stories, and give your audience a peek into your day-to-day grind. People want to connect with real people, not just faceless businesses. Show them who you are, what you’re about, and why you’re the agent they need. Use stories, posts, and reels to keep your audience engaged and in the loop.

3. Engage with Your Community

Labor Day is all about community, so get out there and be part of it. Whether it’s a local parade, a neighborhood BBQ, or a community event, show up and be present. Hand out business cards, talk to people, and let them know you’re the go-to real estate expert in the area. But don’t make it all about business—be genuine, be yourself, and build real relationships. People work with people they trust, so start laying the groundwork now.

4. Plan for the Fall Market

This weekend is the perfect time to start thinking ahead. The fall market is just around the corner, and you want to be ready. Take some time to review your goals, assess your pipeline, and strategize your next moves. What do you need to do to finish the year strong? Who do you need to follow up with? What listings do you need to push? Get your game plan together now, so you’re not scrambling later.

5. Offer Value Without Expectation

Here’s the thing: not everything you do has to be about closing a deal right this second. Sometimes, it’s about planting seeds that will grow over time. Use this weekend to offer value without expecting anything in return. Maybe it’s a free market analysis, or maybe it’s just some solid advice. When you show people you care about more than just the transaction, you build trust—and trust leads to business.

Final Thoughts

Labor Day weekend is what you make of it. You can either kick back and coast like everyone else, or you can use this time to push ahead, make connections, and set yourself up for success. The choice is yours. So, how are you going to use this weekend to level up your business? What’s your game plan for turning downtime into prime time? Let’s get after it!

Social Media Posts

Facebook Posts

Post 1:

🚪 Open House Alert! 🏡
Labor Day weekend is the perfect time to find your dream home! 🌟 Join me at [Address] this Saturday from [Time] to explore this amazing property. Bring your family, enjoy some refreshments, and imagine your future here! 💭
📲 Ready to make a move? DM me for more details!

Post 2:

🔥 Hot Market, Cool Rates! 💸
Labor Day might be about taking a break, but the real estate market sure isn’t! 🌟 With mortgage rates starting to dip, now’s the time to secure your dream home or refinance for better savings. 🏡
👉 DM me to discuss your options and make the most of this weekend! #LaborDayHustle

Post 3:

🌟 Labor Day Community Love! ❤️
This weekend is all about community and connection. Whether you're buying, selling, or just curious about the market, let’s chat! 🗣️ I’m here to help you navigate the real estate world, answer your questions, and guide you to your next big move.
🏡 Drop a comment or shoot me a DM—let’s make your real estate dreams a reality! #LaborDayWeekend #RealEstateChat


How 20 Groups Revolutionized the Auto Industry—and How They Can Transform Real Estate and Mortgages

When I got my start in sales in the auto industry, I was introduced to something that would completely change the way I looked at business growth—the concept of the 20 Group. For those who aren’t familiar, 20 Groups are the secret sauce that has driven success in the auto world for decades.

Shake It Omg GIF by The Mise Method

But here’s the thing: this concept is a goldmine not just for car dealers but for anyone in a competitive, fast-paced industry—like real estate and mortgages.

The Origin of 20 Groups: A Game-Changer in Auto Sales

The idea of the 20 Group started in the automotive industry as a way for non-competing dealerships to come together and improve their operations. Picture this: 20 dealers, all from different markets, meeting regularly to compare notes, share data, and learn from each other’s successes and mistakes. This wasn’t just some casual meet-up; it was about digging deep into the numbers, analyzing what worked, what didn’t, and why.

The beauty of the 20 Group is that it flips the script on the traditional coaching model. Instead of one person at the top doling out advice, everyone in the group contributes. It’s a hive mentality—20 minds working together to elevate the entire group. Each dealer brings something unique to the table, and that diversity of thought is where the magic happens.

The Benefits: Why 20 Groups Work

So why are 20 Groups so powerful? It comes down to a few key factors:

  1. Benchmarking: Dealers compare their financials and KPIs with others in the group. This transparency helps everyone see where they stand and what they need to improve.

  2. Peer Learning: You’re not just hearing from one coach or mentor—you’re learning from 19 other people who are in the trenches just like you. This collective wisdom is invaluable.

  3. Accountability: When you know you’re going to sit down with your peers and show your numbers, it pushes you to perform better. No one wants to be the weakest link.

  4. Innovation: The hive mentality fosters creativity. When you bring together 20 different perspectives, you’re bound to come up with ideas and strategies that you wouldn’t have thought of on your own.

Applying the 20 Group Model to Real Estate and Mortgages

Now, imagine applying this same concept to the real estate or mortgage industry. Instead of 20 auto dealers, picture 20 top-performing realtors or mortgage brokers coming together. Each brings their own market insights, challenges, and strategies. You meet regularly to share what’s working and what’s not, hold each other accountable, and push each other to new heights.

But here’s where it gets interesting—unlike a standard coaching program where you’re following one person’s playbook, a 20 Group in real estate or mortgages would be all about the collective. It’s about learning from each other, not just from a single coach. The hive mentality can drive innovation, create new business strategies, and help everyone in the group stay ahead of the curve.

Why It’s Time to Start a Real Estate and Mortgage 20 Group

I’m in the early stages of forming a 20 Group for real estate and mortgage professionals, and I’m excited about the possibilities. But I want to hear from you—what are your thoughts? How do you think a 20 Group could benefit your business? What would you want to see in such a group?

This is a collaborative effort, and I’m open to ideas, suggestions, and even challenges. If this concept resonates with you, let’s connect. Hit me up on Facebook, Instagram, or LinkedIn, and let’s start a conversation. Together, we can build something that not only drives individual success but elevates the entire industry.

So, what do you think? Are you ready to be part of something that could transform the way you do business? How can we take the 20 Group model and make it work for real estate and mortgages? Let’s brainstorm, innovate, and push each other to the next level. Reach out to me today, and let’s make this happen!

Cultivating Culture through Strategic Recruiting: The Key to Sustainable Expansion and Team Building

In the fast-paced realm of real estate, the success of any expansion plan significantly hinges on the team behind it. As Realtors®, you understand the importance of a property's foundation.

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The Culture-First Approach in Real Estate

Similarly, the bedrock of a flourishing real estate business lies in its culture, shaped largely by its team members. This is where the art of strategic recruiting comes into play, serving as a vital tool in sustaining expansion and building a robust team.

The Intersection of Recruiting and Culture

  1. Understanding the Cultural Core: Before diving into the recruitment process, it's essential to identify the core values and beliefs that define your company's culture. What are the non-negotiable traits that every team member must embody? Is it relentless innovation, unwavering integrity, or perhaps a client-first mindset? This clarity acts as a compass in selecting individuals who aren't just skilled but are also cultural fits.

  2. Recruiting as Cultural Engineering: Think of recruiting not just as filling positions but as engineering your company culture. Each new member brings their unique values, work style, and energy, which contributes to the team's dynamic. Aligning these individual traits with the company's culture is the secret sauce to building a cohesive and effective team.

How do you ensure that your recruitment strategies align with your company's culture, and what impact has this alignment had on your team's dynamics and business growth?

~Tommy Bullock

Sustaining Expansion through Cultural Consistency

  1. A Unified Vision: Expansion, by its nature, involves navigating uncharted territories. It's the strength of a unified team, driven by a shared vision and culture, that turns these challenges into opportunities. When recruiting, prioritize candidates who resonate with your company's vision and are excited to contribute to its journey.

  2. Adaptability and Growth: In an industry as dynamic as real estate, adaptability is key. Your team should not only embrace change but also drive it. Hire individuals who are agile, eager to learn, and can thrive in evolving landscapes. Their growth mindset will fuel your company's expansion.

Building Teams: Beyond Skill Sets

  1. Cultural Ambassadors: Every team member should be a cultural ambassador, embodying and promoting the company's values. During recruitment, assess how candidates have demonstrated these values in their past roles. Behavioral interviews and personality assessments can be insightful tools here.

  2. Diversity and Inclusion: A diverse team brings diverse perspectives, essential for innovation and growth. Ensure your recruitment strategy is inclusive, attracting talent from various backgrounds. This diversity enriches the company culture, making it more vibrant and resilient.

Retention: The Other Side of Recruitment

  1. Fostering a Positive Culture: Recruitment doesn't end with hiring. It's the continuous effort to nurture a positive culture that ensures high retention. Invest in team-building activities, professional development, and recognition programs. A team that feels valued and aligned with the culture is a team that stays.

  2. Feedback Loops: Establish open channels for feedback. Encourage team members to voice their ideas and concerns. This not only helps in fine-tuning the company culture but also makes each member feel heard and integral to the team’s growth. Regular feedback sessions can lead to continuous improvement in both individual and team performances.

The Ripple Effect of a Strong Culture

  1. Client Satisfaction: A strong team culture doesn't just benefit internal dynamics; it extends to client interactions. When your team members are aligned and motivated, it reflects in their dealings with clients, leading to higher satisfaction and loyalty.

  2. Brand Reputation: Your team is your brand's frontline. A culture-rich team enhances your brand image, attracting not only clients but also top talent. It creates a cycle of success – a strong culture attracts great people, and great people sustain and enhance the culture.

Conclusion: Cultivating a Culture of Excellence

The importance of recruiting to culture in the real estate and mortgage industry cannot be overstated. It’s the key to unlocking sustainable expansion and building a team that’s not just skilled but also culturally cohesive. Remember, a team aligned in culture is a team poised for success.



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