Edition 24045 ~ 🚀🏠 Mortgage Meltdown & IG Mastery

Plus: The Ultimate Drip Campaign Blueprint

In today‘s newsletter we dive into the 🚀🏠 Mortgage Meltdown & IG Mastery: U.S. home loan origination's hitting a rough patch, folks! 📉 With a 13.8% dive, we're seeing a real shake-up. High interest rates, sky-high prices, and not enough homes are to blame. But, there's hope! 🌟 Adapt, innovate, and keep grinding. On IG, it's about real connections, not just likes. Remember, "The best marketing strategy? Giving a sh*t." 💥 Let's crush it!


The Tides Have Turned: A Closer Look at the Mortgage Meltdown

Imagine waking up to find the financial landscape transformed overnight. That's exactly what's happening in the U.S. mortgage sector, as recent data reveals a significant downturn in home loan originations.

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The latest report from ATTOM, a leading real estate data curator, paints a stark picture: a 13.8% decline in residential mortgages from the previous quarter, marking the tenth drop in the last eleven quarters. This isn't just a blip on the radar; it's a trend that's been building, leaving industry professionals and homeowners alike navigating through uncharted waters.

A Dive into the Numbers: The Impact on Purchase, Refinance, and HELOCs

The fourth quarter of 2023 saw about 1.35 million mortgages secured, a downturn that's left the industry reeling. Every category felt the pinch: purchase loans plummeted by 18.4%, refinance deals dipped by 7.9%, and home equity lines of credit (HELOCs) sank by 12.7%. In dollar terms, we're talking about a lending volume of $417.4 billion, down 14.9% from the third quarter and 18.6% from the same period last year. These aren't just numbers; they're a reflection of a broader economic squeeze affecting everyone from first-time homebuyers to seasoned investors.

The Forces at Play: Interest Rates, Home Prices, and Supply Shortages

What's driving this downturn? A perfect storm of high interest rates, soaring home prices, and a scarcity of available properties. With interest rates for 30-year fixed loans hovering between 7% and 8%, the dream of homeownership is becoming increasingly out of reach for many Americans. This financial stretch is exacerbated by a persistent low supply of homes for sale, further dampening purchase lending activity. It's a challenging scenario that's prompting a reevaluation of strategies across the real estate and mortgage industries.

A Glimmer of Hope Amidst the Gloom

Despite the gloomy outlook, there's a silver lining. The report hints at potential recovery as we head into the peak buying season of 2024, fueled by a recent dip in interest rates. This could breathe new life into the purchase, refinance, and HELOC deals, offering a much-needed boost to the sector. However, the path to recovery is fraught with uncertainty, and the fourth quarter's numbers serve as a sobering reminder of the challenges ahead.

The Road Ahead: Adapting to a New Normal

As we navigate this turbulent market, it's clear that adaptability and innovation will be key to weathering the storm. For realtors, mortgage brokers, and industry professionals, staying informed and agile will be crucial in seizing opportunities and mitigating risks. The current downturn may be disheartening, but it also presents a chance to reassess, recalibrate, and emerge stronger on the other side.

In the face of adversity, the U.S. mortgage industry stands at a crossroads. Will it succumb to the pressures, or will it adapt and thrive in this new landscape? Only time will tell, but one thing is certain: the journey ahead will require resilience, ingenuity, and a steadfast commitment to navigating the challenges of today's market.

Crushing Instagram in 2024: The Affluent Blueprint

Listen up, folks! If you're sitting there whining about your Instagram engagement being in the gutter, I've got a wake-up call for you. It's not about the likes or the follows; it's about the hustle, the grind, and making every post count towards your real goal.

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What's that? It's not just about being seen; it's about driving real, tangible results—leads, sales, and real connections. Let's dive into how you're gonna flip the script on Instagram in 2024.

1. Speak Directly to Your Tribe

First off, if someone stumbles upon your profile, they should instantly know who you're talking to. And I'm not talking about your weekend buddies. I mean your ideal client. If your content is trying to cater to everyone, guess what? It's actually speaking to no one. Zero in on who you're really trying to reach. What do they want? What keeps them up at night? Use that intel to craft content that hits them right in the feels.

2. Stop Them Dead in Their Tracks

You know what's useless? An amazing post that no one reads. Why? Because your hook was as exciting as watching paint dry. You gotta grab 'em by the eyeballs the second they see your post. Make them think, "Holy smokes, I NEED to see what this is about!" Change up your game. Instead of "3 Ways to Boost Curb Appeal," how about "This One Trick Had Buyers Fighting Over My Listing"? See the difference? It's about making them curious, making them laugh, or even better, making them go, "Damn, I never thought of that!"

3. Tell the Real Story

Nobody cares about your generic advice. What they want are the juicy stories, the epic fails, and the behind-the-scenes secrets that you've learned the hard way. Share the tales that only you can tell. Turn your experiences into gold by showing your followers the real you, not just the highlight reel.

4. Be More Than Your Job Title

Guess what? People do business with people they like. So, if all you're doing is talking shop, you're missing out on a huge opportunity to connect. Share your passions, your hobbies, your weird obsessions. That's the stuff that makes you, well, you. And it's also what's going to make someone choose you over the next Joe Schmo.

5. Paint the Picture

Ever see something online and think, "Yeah, that's nice, but how would it actually look in my life?" Your followers are thinking the same thing. Show them. Don't just tell them about the amazing properties you're listing; show them what life could look like in those homes. Use photos, videos, anything that helps them see themselves in the picture you're painting.

6. Call Them to Action

Here's where the rubber meets the road. You've got their attention, now what? Tell them exactly what to do next. Want them to book a call? Tell them. Want them to join your email list for exclusive tips? Make it clear. This is your moment to turn that engagement into action.

7. Now, Go Do It

You've got the playbook, now it's time to hit the field. Test these strategies, tweak them, make them your own. And when you start seeing those results? Come back and tell me about it. Because at the end of the day, it's all about putting in the work and making it happen.

So, there you have it. Instagram's not slowing down, and neither should you. It's time to level up, get real, and show the world what you're made of. Let's crush it in 2024.

Introducing Meco For Gmail Users

I'm subscribed to around a dozen newsletters that I read every day, and my biggest problem is sorting through hundreds of other emails each week to find the stuff that I want to read. Thankfully, Meco has a solution. Meco is an app designed for reading newsletters, allowing you to read your favorite content in one place, without the clutter. The process is simple: just download the Meco app, add your favorite newsletters, and start reading! If you want to clean up your inbox, get started with Meco here.

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Meco is your free ticket to a clutter-free inbox, available on iOS and desktop. Join me and over 10,000 readers who've reclaimed their inboxes. Try Meco now and revolutionize the way you read newsletters!

The Ultimate Drip Campaign Blueprint: An AF Take on Converting Cold Leads into Hot Prospects

In the real estate world, turning a cold lead into a hot, engaged prospect isn't just a goal—it's an art form. We’re going to wrap up today diving deep into the ultimate drip campaign structure, a 30-day master plan designed to warm up those icy leads with a mix of email, SMS, ringless voicemail, and the good old-fashioned cold call. But why does this strategy work? Let's get into the psychology and sprinkle in some best practices.

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The Psychology Behind the Drip

At its core, this drip campaign is about building relationships. It's about showing up, again and again, offering value, and proving that you're not just another salesperson—you're a guide, a guru, and a giver. The campaign's structured touchpoints across emails, SMS, and voicemails play into the fundamental human need for connection and trust. By varying the medium, you're speaking to your prospect's different modes of engagement, ensuring you're always top of mind, but never overwhelming.

Best Practices for a Winning Campaign

1. Personalization is Key: In a world of mass emails and generic ads, personalization stands out. Use your lead's name, reference specific interests, and tailor your messages. It shows you're paying attention, and in today's world, attention is currency.

2. Value, Value, Value: Every touchpoint should offer something valuable. Whether it's market insights, actionable tips, or just a bit of genuine advice, make sure your leads are better off for having read your message.

3. Consistency Without Annoyance: The balance between being persistent and becoming a nuisance is delicate. Stick to your schedule, but be mindful of your lead's responses (or lack thereof). Flexibility is a virtue in the drip campaign game.

4. The Power of the Follow-Up: Never underestimate the power of following up. It's not just about reminding them you exist; it's about showing them you care. A well-timed follow-up can turn a maybe into a yes.

5. Mix It Up: Using a combination of emails, SMS, and voicemails keeps the campaign fresh and caters to different communication preferences. Plus, it gives you multiple shots at catching their attention.

"Your brand isn't just a logo or a tagline. It's an experience, a promise, and a relationship. The best marketing doesn't feel like marketing—it feels like you're giving something of value, not asking for something in return. Remember, the most powerful marketing strategy of all, is giving a sh*t."

And there you have it. The ultimate drip campaign isn't just about converting leads; it's about creating connections, offering value, and building a brand that resonates on a human level. So go out there, implement this blueprint, and watch as those cold leads warm up to the undeniable heat of your hustle. Below you’ll find my personal, tried and true, battle tested structure.

Day 1: Introduction

  • Touchpoint 1 (Email): Send a welcome email introducing yourself and your services. Highlight your unique value proposition. Use a compelling subject line to ensure it's opened.

  • Touchpoint 2 (SMS): Send a brief SMS thanking them for their interest and letting them know you've sent them an email with more information.

Day 2: Value Proposition

  • Touchpoint 3 (Ringless Voicemail): Drop a voicemail expressing your excitement to help them find their dream home or sell their property. Mention a unique tip or insight you'll be sharing soon.

Day 4: Educational Content

  • Touchpoint 4 (Email): Share valuable content related to the real estate market, buying tips, or home improvement ideas. This positions you as an expert.

Day 6: Check-in and Engage

  • Touchpoint 5 (SMS): Send an SMS asking if they had a chance to review the email and if they have any questions. Encourage them to reply.

Day 8: Personal Touch

  • Assigned Task 1 (Cold Call): Make your first cold call to introduce yourself, gauge their needs, and offer assistance. Personalize the conversation based on their responses.

Day 10: Market Insights

  • Touchpoint 6 (Email): Provide market insights or trends that could impact their buying or selling decision. Include a call-to-action (CTA) to contact you for more personalized advice.

Day 12: Soft Check-in

  • Touchpoint 7 (Ringless Voicemail): Drop a voicemail mentioning you're there to help with any questions and will be sending more valuable information their way.

Day 14: Success Stories

  • Touchpoint 8 (Email): Share success stories or testimonials from happy clients. This builds credibility and trust.

Day 16: Direct Offer

  • Touchpoint 9 (SMS): Make a direct offer, such as a free consultation or home valuation, to encourage them to engage directly.

Day 18: Reminder of Offer

  • Touchpoint 10 (Ringless Voicemail): Remind them of the offer you made via SMS and express your willingness to assist.

Day 20: Content Recap

  • Touchpoint 11 (Email): Recap the valuable content you've shared, highlighting key points and offering additional resources.

Day 22: Engagement Check

  • Touchpoint 12 (SMS): Check in to see if they have any questions or if there's something specific they're looking for.

Day 24: Second Personal Touch

  • Assigned Task 2 (Cold Call): Follow up on any previous interactions, offer more personalized advice, and try to set up a meeting or call.

Day 26: Last Chance Offer

  • Touchpoint 13 (Email): Present a "last chance" offer for a free consultation or valuation, emphasizing the benefits of taking action now.

Day 28: Urgency and Scarcity

  • Touchpoint 14 (SMS) & Touchpoint 15 (Ringless Voicemail): Create a sense of urgency by mentioning limited slots for consultations or a special offer ending soon.

Day 30: Final Outreach

  • Touchpoint 16 (Email) & Touchpoint 17 (SMS): Send a final message reiterating your offer to help and the unique benefits of working with you. Make it clear you're ready to assist whenever they're ready.

Throughout the Campaign: Cold Calls

  • Assigned Tasks 3-5 (Cold Calls): Schedule additional calls throughout the campaign to touch base, offer help, and answer any questions. Use these calls to deepen the relationship and understand their needs better.

Key Strategies:

  • Personalization: Tailor your messages based on the lead's interactions, preferences, and responses. Use their name and reference specific details they've shared.

  • Value-Driven Content: Ensure every touchpoint offers value, whether it's market insights, tips, or personalized advice.

  • CTAs: Include clear calls-to-action in every message, guiding leads on what to do next.

  • Follow-Up: Be diligent in following up, especially after personal interactions or when a lead shows interest.

This campaign structure is designed to nurture leads effectively by providing them with valuable information, establishing trust, and encouraging engagement through personalized interactions.



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