Edition 24041 ~ Tomo's Bold Move into Home Searching

Plus: The New Mortgage Norm, NAR Run's Out of Insurance & Rocket Bets Big on Ai

🌊 Mortgage Rate Surge Alert! 📈 The average 30-year fixed mortgage rate has hit a new high of 7.16%! 🏠 This major shift is a call to action for Realtors and mortgage pros to adapt strategies and help clients navigate this new terrain. 🔄 It's crucial to stay informed, explore all options, and guide clients with expertise. 🛶 As we sail into these uncharted waters, remember, the real estate market is cyclical. Opportunities await those ready to adapt. 🌟 Let's ride this wave together! 🚀


Rising Tides in Mortgage Rates: Navigating the New Norm of 7.16%

The Wave Just Got Bigger:

In a market that never sleeps, the latest numbers are in, and they're speaking volumes.

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The average 30-year fixed mortgage rate has surged to a notable 7.16%, marking a significant shift in the terrain for Realtors and mortgage professionals alike. This isn't just a number; it's a beacon, signaling a change in strategy and approach for the industry's front-runners.

Why This Matters Now More Than Ever

For those of us navigating the choppy waters of real estate and mortgage lending, this uptick isn't just a blip on the radar. It's a clarion call to reassess, recalibrate, and reengage with our strategies for helping clients achieve their dreams of homeownership. The implications are far-reaching, from the first-time homebuyer to the seasoned investor, and everyone in between.

The Ripple Effect: What This Means for Your Clients

As rates climb, the affordability index takes a hit. This means your clients might be looking at a narrower range of options within their budget. But here's where you, as a Realtor or mortgage professional, can turn the tide. It's about guiding your clients through these turbulent times with expertise, empathy, and innovative solutions. Whether it's exploring adjustable-rate mortgages, considering new locales, or simply recalibrating expectations, your role has never been more critical.

Strategies for Staying Afloat

  1. Educate Your Clients: Knowledge is power. Equip your clients with the latest insights and what this means for their buying power.

  2. Explore All Options: Look beyond the traditional 30-year fixed mortgages. Adjustable rates, government-backed loans, or even unconventional lending options might be the key.

  3. Stay Informed: The market is as dynamic as the ocean's tides. Keep abreast of the latest trends, rates, and forecasts. Your clients rely on your expertise.

Looking Ahead: Navigating Future Waters

While the current rate of 7.16% might seem daunting, it's important to remember that the real estate market is cyclical. Rates rise and fall, and with each fluctuation, opportunities arise. For Realtors and mortgage professionals, the task at hand is to steer your clients through these changes with a steady hand and a keen eye for opportunity.

The rise to 7.16% in the average 30-year fixed mortgage rate is more than a statistic; it's a new chapter in the ongoing saga of the real estate market. As professionals dedicated to serving our clients, it's up to us to navigate these changes with grace, wisdom, and an unwavering commitment to their dreams of homeownership. Let's set sail into these uncharted waters together, armed with the knowledge, strategies, and resilience to thrive. the rewards could be as substantial as the changes themselves.

Shaking Up the Real Estate Game: Tomo's Bold Move into Home Searching

The Next Big Play in Real Estate

Let's dive straight into the heart of innovation. Greg Schwartz, a name synonymous with shaking up the status quo at Zillow, is now steering his ship, Tomo, into uncharted waters.

Alongside co-founder Carey Armstrong, Schwartz is on a mission to redefine the journey to homeownership, making it not just easier, but smarter and more aligned with how we live today.

From Mortgages to Home Searches: Tomo's Evolution

Tomo started with a bang in the mortgage sector, slashing closing times and enhancing the buyer experience with tech that's nothing short of revolutionary. But why stop there? Schwartz and Armstrong are now leveraging cutting-edge AI to transform how we search for homes. Imagine a search engine that gets you, one that speaks your language, understands your needs, and matches you with your dream home without the usual hassle.

AI-First Approach: A Game Changer

Tomo's not playing by the old rules. They're introducing an AI-first search engine that uses natural language processing (NLP). This means you can search for homes just like you'd describe your dream house to a friend. Whether it's a condo with a view, a backyard for your furry friend, or a kitchen that'd make a chef jealous, Tomo's got you covered. And with computer vision tech, they're identifying over 200 attributes in listings, from the charm of natural light to the allure of a mountain view.

Launching with a Bang

At launch, Tomo Real Estate is hitting the ground running, covering 50% of U.S. listings. But it's not just about quantity. It's about quality, offering insights like home equity data and owner motivations, giving buyers a leg up in negotiations. This isn't just another portal; it's a strategic tool designed to give buyers an edge.

Why This Matters

In a world where technology often complicates more than it simplifies, Tomo is a breath of fresh air. They're not just adding to the noise. They're cutting through it, offering a solution that's both innovative and incredibly human. It's about making the home search process not just easier, but more intuitive, more personal, and ultimately, more successful.

The Bottom Line: What Schwartz and Armstrong are doing with Tomo isn't just evolutionary; it's revolutionary. They're not just changing how we search for homes; they're changing how we think about the entire process of finding and buying a home. In the competitive arena of real estate, Tomo is not just playing the game; they're changing it, making the path to homeownership simpler, faster, and smarter. This is the future of real estate, and it's unfolding right before our eyes.

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Rocket Mortgage's Hustle Through the Storm: Betting Big on AI for a Comeback

Listen up, everyone! Rocket Mortgage just dropped their 2023 playbook, and it's a mix of tough hits and strategic moves that's got everyone talking.

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Despite slashing costs left and right, Rocket Companies, the powerhouse behind Rocket Mortgage, still found itself in the red, with a GAAP net loss of $390 million for the year. But don't let the numbers fool you; there's a game plan in motion that's all about growth, innovation, and doubling down on AI.

The 2023 Scorecard: A Tough Year, But Not Without Gains

2023 wasn't playing nice, not with Rocket or anyone in the mortgage biz. Rocket faced a one-two punch of a GAAP net loss of $390 million and an adjusted net loss of $143 million. But here's the kicker: they still managed to grab more market share. That's right, even in a year that felt like running uphill, Rocket pushed through, proving that sometimes it's not just about the immediate wins, but playing the long game.

Cutting Costs, But at What Cost?

Rocket's been on a mission to lean down, cutting their cost structure significantly in 2023 and 2022. But even with all the trimming, the lower origination volume threw a wrench in the works, keeping profitability just out of reach. It's like trying to diet by only eating salads but still not losing weight because the salad is topped with a pound of cheese.

Q4: The Numbers Tell a Story

The fourth quarter brought its own set of challenges, with a GAAP net loss of $233 million. But let's not overlook the adjusted net loss of $6 million, which, all things considered, shows they're fighting to turn the ship around. And with a total loan volume of $17.3 billion in Q4, down from $22.2 billion in Q3, it's clear Rocket's navigating through some choppy waters.

AI: Rocket's Ace in the Hole

Varun Krishna, Rocket's CEO, isn't just sitting back. He's all in on AI, betting it's the game-changer to revolutionize the mortgage industry. From automating income verification to piloting an AI virtual assistant that's making mortgage bankers' lives easier, Rocket's not just playing the game; they're trying to change it.

Looking Ahead: Rocket's Ready to Blast Off in 2024

With a forecast that's looking brighter and a strategy that's heavily fueled by AI, Rocket's setting the stage for a comeback. They're not just surviving; they're gearing up to thrive, with plans to keep slashing costs and pushing the boundaries of what's possible with technology.

Rocket Mortgage's story in 2023 is a testament to the hustle. It's about facing down the challenges, making the tough calls, and betting big on the future. With AI leading the charge, Rocket's not just aiming to bounce back; they're looking to redefine the game. And in the world of business, as in life, it's not just about the setbacks; it's about how you come back from them. Rocket's ready for its next launch, and we're all watching to see how high they'll go.

NAR's Insurance Drama: What Can We Do NOW?

Alright, y'all, gather 'round because we’re gonna wrap it up with a story that's gonna make you laugh, cry, and maybe even call your insurance agent. So, the National Association of Realtors (NAR), you know, the big bosses of the real estate world, found themselves in a bit of a pickle. And by "pickle," I mean they ran out of insurance money for antitrust lawsuits.

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Yes, child, you heard me right. They hit the ceiling on their $1 million coverage like it was a night out at the club, and now they're looking around like, "Who's gonna pay this tab?"

So, here's the tea: Notorious ROB, not to be confused with Biggie Smalls, spills the beans that NAR's insurance wallet is emptier than a politician's promises. And just like that, the rumor mill starts churning faster than butter at an Amish picnic. But wait, it gets better. The next day, HousingWire is all like, "Yup, it's true. They broke, broke." And NAR? Well, they finally come out and say, "Yeah, our bad, we're tapped out."

Lesley Muchow, NAR’s Deputy General Counsel & Vice President of Legal Affairs and Antitrust Compliance, sends out this email like it's an invitation to a pity party, confirming the whole mess. They've been fighting these antitrust lawsuits, right? And their insurance provider, Chubb, is over there counting beans and says, "Y'all's lawsuits from 2019 are still eating up the budget."

Now, here's where it gets hilarious – NAR's like, "But don't worry, we still got coverage for other stuff." Oh, great, so if someone slips on a banana peel at the office, we're good, but million-dollar lawsuits? Nah, fam.

And the kicker? They've been hit with so many copycat lawsuits, the potential damages could be in the billions. Billions, with a B! Like, you could buy a small country or at least a couple of islands with that kind of money.

But wait, there's a silver lining in this cloud of unpaid bills. NAR's like, "Hey, if you got extra insurance, you might still be covered for these antitrust shenanigans." So, it's not all doom and gloom, unless you forgot to pay that premium, then, well, good luck.

In the end, NAR's still standing strong, promising to support their peeps and find a way out of this mess. It's like watching a soap opera, but instead of love triangles and evil twins, it's insurance policies and legal drama.

So, what have we learned, folks? First, always read the fine print on your insurance policy. And second, maybe set aside a little extra for a rainy day, 'cause when it pours, it floods, and you don't wanna be caught without an umbrella. Or, you know, a billion dollars.



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