Edition 24031 ~ Homes.com Billion Dollar Bet

Plus: Leadership Lessons & Laundering Money in Real Estate?

🚀 Dive into a world where bold moves redefine success in real estate! 💥 Discover how a billion-dollar marketing blitz could be your golden ticket 🎫, and why embracing discomfort, accountability, and energy management is crucial. 🌟 Plus, get insider tips on navigating the crackdown on money laundering. Ready to lead with integrity and stand out? Let's ignite a conversation that transforms the industry.


Billion-Dollar Bet: Could This Be the Game-Changer for Realtors?

"What if you could dominate your market with a single, bold move?"

Imagine pouring over $1 billion into a marketing campaign. It's not just a statement; it's a declaration of war in the competitive real estate battlefield. Homes.com is doing exactly that, launching the most colossal marketing crusade the real estate world has ever seen.

But here's the Billion-dollar question for you, the savvy Realtor: Could an aggressive marketing strategy be the golden ticket to your success?

Why Aggression in Marketing Could Be Your Best Ally

In a world where attention is the new currency, being timid gets you nowhere. Alex Hormozi preaches the gospel of going big or going home, and this scenario is no different. Think about it – when was the last time a cautious approach got you the breakthrough you desired?

The Power of a Billion-Dollar Campaign

A billion dollars. Let that sink in. It's not just the amount that's staggering; it's the confidence behind the investment. This campaign is set to blanket every conceivable medium with the Homes.com message. But beyond the numbers, it's a masterclass in visibility. How can you apply a fraction of this audacity to your marketing efforts?

Questions to Ponder:

  • What if you doubled down on your marketing budget?

  • How could a fearless marketing strategy set you apart in a crowded market?

  • Can you imagine the impact of having your brand omnipresent in your target market's daily life?

Engagement Is the Name of the Game

It's not just about being seen; it's about being remembered. Engagement turns the wheels of the real estate machine. By adopting an aggressive marketing stance, you're not just casting a wider net – you're making sure every touchpoint resonates with your audience. How can you create content that sticks, prompts conversation, and, more importantly, action?

The Ripple Effect

Consider the ripple effect of a campaign of this magnitude. It's not just Homes.com that stands to gain. Realtors associated with the platform, directly or indirectly, will bask in the reflected glory of this marketing juggernaut. How can you leverage big moves in your industry to elevate your own brand?

A Call to Action for the Bold

This is more than a wake-up call; it's a rallying cry for Realtors ready to take their business to unprecedented heights. The Homes.com billion-dollar blitz is a testament to the power of bold marketing. It's time to ask yourself: Are you ready to make your own bold move?

Let's Talk: What's your take on this aggressive marketing strategy? Could this be the push your business needs to break through the noise? Share your thoughts, strategies, and questions. Let's ignite a conversation that could redefine the way we think about marketing in real estate.

Leadership Lessons in Real Estate and Beyond


If you want to run with the big dogs, you've got to learn to pee in the tall grass.

~Roger Everet 

That's a bit of wisdom that's as true in life as it is in real estate. I’m always looking to expand my horizons with wisdom from those that have excelled in their arena. I had the opportunity to witness my favorite speaker this week, Jessie Itzler while attending The ONE Summit in Vegas with my wife.

He wrote a book called: Living with a SEAL: 31 Days Training with the Toughest Man on the Planet. I highly recommend, not just this book, but anything he’s written.

During the trip, I spoke with or got to listen to numerous agents that had their best year… last year. The same year the world fell apart for so many other agents and brokers. The principles that govern success in the real estate world are as unyielding as gravity. You don't have to understand them for them to affect you, but mastering them? That's where the magic happens.

Rule #1: You're the Captain of Your Ship

Nothing happens to you; things just happen. The market doesn't care about your feelings, and the weather sure as hell doesn't check in on your mood. It's on you to navigate through the storms and sunshine alike. Leadership isn't about controlling the sea; it's about controlling your sails.

Rule #2: Mindset is Everything

Your mindset isn't a democracy; it's a dictatorship, and you're the dictator. You decide whether you're sailing into the wind or if it's at your back. Remember, you can't control the wind, but you can always adjust your sails.

Rule #3: Talk Like a Leader

Committed conversations are the currency of leadership. Gossip and casual talk are like throwing your coins into a wishing well, hoping for a miracle. Instead, invest your words in conversations that move mountains, solve problems, and lead to action.

Rule #4: The Naked Truth

Honesty isn't just the best policy; it's the only policy. The truth might sting like a slap in the face, but it's also the slap that wakes you up from delusion. Leaders don't wear masks; they bare their souls, warts and all.

Rule #5: Embrace the Power of Discomfort

Comfort is the enemy of progress. The most transformative moments in life and business come from stepping into the unknown and embracing the discomfort that comes with it. Whether it's making a bold investment, trying a new marketing strategy, or simply speaking up when it's easier to stay silent, the willingness to be uncomfortable is what separates the leaders from the followers.

Rule #6: Cultivate Radical Accountability

Accountability is not just about taking responsibility for your actions but also owning your inactions. It's about acknowledging your role in every success and failure, without casting blame or making excuses. This radical accountability fosters a culture of trust and respect, both within yourself and among your team.

Rule #7: Prioritize Your Energy, Not Just Your Time

Time is a finite resource, but energy fluctuates. Learning to manage your energy—knowing when to push hard and when to rest—can revolutionize your productivity and creativity. This means recognizing the tasks and activities that fuel you, as well as those that drain you, and planning your day accordingly.

Leadership Best Practices: Beyond the Rules

  1. Empathy in Action: Understanding the emotional landscape of your team is crucial. How do you balance empathy with the drive for results?

  2. Visionary Thinking: A leader's job is to see the lighthouse through the fog. How do you cultivate and communicate a vision that inspires action?

  3. Resilience as a Ritual: Every leader faces setbacks. What practices do you put in place to ensure you bounce back stronger?

Open-Ended Questions to Fuel Your Fire

  1. How do you maintain your leadership compass when everything around you seems to be in chaos?

  2. In what ways can you apply the principle of 'committed conversations' to enhance your team's performance and cohesion?

  3. What strategies do you use to ensure your mindset remains your greatest asset in both booming and challenging times?

Embracing these rules and leadership practices isn't just about achieving success in real estate or any other business; it's about crafting a life that's as thrilling as living with a SEAL. It's about pushing boundaries, challenging norms, and, most importantly, never losing sight of who you are and what you stand for.

Let's start a conversation that goes beyond the surface. Share your thoughts, experiences, and strategies. How do you live these rules in your leadership journey? Let's dive deep and learn from each other, SEAL-style.

Newsletters We Recommend

Here are two newsletters I love reading and I believe you would too. MGMT is all about leadership and who doesn’t want to be a better leader? If you’re into trading at all or just want to keep a pulse on the markets then I highly recommend Bullseye Trades where myself and 100,000+ traders and get daily hot stock trading ideas, new option strategies, and market insights from world-famous 20-year trading veteran, Jeff Bishop. If you’d like to add either of them to your knowledge tool kit, simply click the links below and you’ll be redirected to their sign-up pages.

The Real Hustle: Cracking Down on Money Laundering in Real Estate

Hey, Real Estate Moguls, It's Time to Clean House – And I'm Not Talking About Sweeping Floors.

The Treasury Department's Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN) is stepping up its game with a proposed rule that's about to shake the foundations of the residential real estate industry.

Super Troopers Police GIF

This isn't just another bureaucratic shuffle; it's a full-on blitz against money laundering, aiming to strip away the veil of anonymity that's been shielding the bad guys.

Why This Is a Big Deal

"Money laundering in real estate? That's someone else's problem, right?" Wrong. It's our problem. It inflates housing prices and makes it tougher for honest folks to get into the market. FinCEN's throwing down the gauntlet, and it's time for us to pick it up.

The Nitty-Gritty

Here's the scoop: FinCEN wants those involved in real estate closings and settlements to report on non-financed transfers of residential real estate to legal entities or trusts. They're targeting the high-risk transactions, trying to keep it from being a headache for the rest of us. But let's be real – it's a wake-up call that the industry's got some cleaning up to do.

What's at Stake

"Illicit actors are exploiting the U.S. residential real estate market to launder and hide the proceeds of serious crimes with anonymity, while law-abiding Americans bear the cost of inflated housing prices," says FinCEN Director Andrea Gacki. This move is about safeguarding our economic and national security. It's big.

Your Move

So, what does this mean for you, the real estate hustler? It means it's time to get ahead of the curve. This rule is about bringing transparency and trust back into the game. It's an opportunity to differentiate yourself, to show you're playing by the rules and leading with integrity.

Engage and Educate

Use this as a chance to engage with your clients and your network. Educate them about what's happening and what it means for their transactions. Be the expert they need in a time of uncertainty.

The Bottom Line

This isn't just about compliance; it's about opportunity. It's a chance to show the world that the real estate industry is about more than just making a quick buck – it's about building a transparent, trustworthy market that works for everyone.

Let's Get Real: How are you planning to adapt to these changes? Are you ready to lead with transparency and integrity? Drop your thoughts below – let's get the conversation started.



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