Edition 24024

A $70 Million Settlement, 5.25%??? Plus: Media First Theory & The New Construction Niche

Ladies and gentlemen, start your engines and get ready to navigate the twists and turns of today's real estate market with style and savvy. In this edition, we're diving deep into the seismic shifts shaking up our industry, from the tantalizing drop in mortgage rates to the strategic moves of real estate giants and the undeniable rise of new construction. But hold onto your hats, because we're not just talking shop; we're redefining the game. Embrace the role of a media mogul in a market that's more connected than ever. This is your roadmap to thriving in a world where content is king, and the market's ripe for the taking. Buckle up, because this ride's going to be one for the history books.


Your Daily Dose

The Real Estate Forecast: Seizing Opportunities in a Shifting Market

Recent developments have signaled a pivotal shift, one that presents both challenges and opportunities for realtors, mortgage loan originators, and industry professionals alike.

With mortgage rates hitting an 8-month low and the bond market reacting to broader economic signals, the landscape is ripe for those ready to adapt and thrive.

Understanding the Current Climate

Recent data we gathered points to a significant drop in mortgage rates, reaching levels not seen since May 2023. My personal model is forecasting rates to hit 5.25% near Halloween 2024. This isn't just a statistic; it's a game-changer. The decrease in rates opens the door wider for potential buyers, making homeownership more accessible and, by extension, increasing the pool of buyers realtors can tap into. For sellers, this means a potentially hotter market with more interested buyers and possibly quicker sales at competitive prices.

The Catalyst Behind the Change

This shift wasn't driven by the usual suspects. Instead, a mix of factors, including updates from the U.S. Treasury regarding borrowing plans and fluctuations in the banking sector, have played a crucial role. For realtors, understanding these underlying causes is key to navigating the market's currents. It's a reminder that real estate doesn't exist in isolation but is influenced by a complex web of economic factors.

Why This Matters for Realtors

For realtors, the implications of these changes are manifold. Lower mortgage rates mean more than just increased buying power; they represent a shift in market dynamics. Buyers who were previously on the fence may now be encouraged to enter the market, and those looking to upgrade or downsize can find the conditions more favorable. This creates a bustling market environment where the informed realtor can act as a guide, helping clients navigate through their options with confidence.

Strategies for Navigating the Market

In a market buoyed by lower rates and increased activity, realtors need to employ both wisdom and strategy. Here’s how:

  • Educate Your Clients: Use your insights into the current market trends to educate your clients about the opportunities that lower rates present. Whether they're buying, selling, or refinancing, knowledge is power.

  • Be Proactive: Don't wait for clients to come to you with questions about how the market changes affect them. Reach out with personalized advice, showing them how the current conditions can benefit their specific situation.

  • Leverage Technology: Utilize the latest tools and platforms to keep your listings visible and attractive to the burgeoning pool of potential buyers. Virtual tours, high-quality photos, and detailed online listings can make a significant difference.

  • Stay Informed: Keep abreast of the latest economic developments and market trends. The more informed you are, the better equipped you'll be to advise your clients and make strategic decisions.

Looking Ahead

As we project further into the future, with mortgage rates expected to fluctuate, the ability to adapt and offer informed guidance will set successful realtors apart. The potential decrease in mortgage rates to around 5.25% over the next six months could further energize the market, enhancing buying power and creating new opportunities for clients looking to enter or move within the market.

Conclusion: A Call to Action for Realtors: The current shift in the real estate market is more than a fleeting moment; it's a clarion call for realtors to step up, adapt, and lead. By understanding the nuances of the market, staying informed on economic developments, and leveraging this knowledge to guide clients, realtors can not only navigate the current landscape but also shape the future of real estate.

Now is the time to embrace the shift, harness the opportunities it presents, and redefine what it means to be a successful realtor in today's market.

~Tommy Bullock

The Art of the Settlement: Keller Williams' Strategic Move

In the cutthroat world of real estate, Keller Williams just played a hand that's got the industry buzzing—a $70 million settlement in the Sitzer/Burnett lawsuit.

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But let's cut through the noise and get down to brass tacks. What's really going on here, and what does this mean for the future of Keller Williams and the real estate game as a whole?

The Settlement: A Closer Look

Keller Williams coughing up $70 million might seem like a big play, but let's not kid ourselves. In the grand scheme of things, this move is less about admitting fault and more about sidestepping a prolonged legal battle. It's a classic Harvey move: why drag out a fight when you can settle, save face, and live to fight another day? But here's where it gets interesting. By settling without altering their core business practices, Keller Williams opens up an intriguing question: what's to stop someone from launching a similar lawsuit tomorrow?

Business as Usual? A Skeptical Eye

Keller Williams insists it's business as usual, but let's not gloss over the elephant in the room. The practices that led to the lawsuit in the first place remain unchanged. Everyone is still playing both sides of the fence, representing buyers and sellers, and offering buyer commissions through listing contracts let alone double ended deals.

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In the world according to Harvey Specter, you don't just move past a lawsuit without a careful examination of what landed you in hot water to begin with. The real question is, are they setting themselves up for a repeat performance?

Think about it: If you get pulled over for speeding and you say “I’m sorry” and get let off with warning. Next week the same cop pulls you over in the same spot for speeding again… This time you get a ticket… Next week you get caught speeding again by the same cop… You have no defense and now you get your license taken away for obviously doing something you know the court deemed wrong and were fined for…. How can you go to your next listing appointment and honestly ask for 6% or 5% or even 4% and say your splitting with the “other agent” knowing what has gone down with these lawsuits….

You can agree or disagree with that last statement, but regardless of whether you do or do not agree, you need to think hard about that scenario and have that conversation with your broker. Remember, at the end of the day you’re not an employee, you’re a business owner and the law looks at you differently.

A Potential Legal Groundhog Day

This settlement might seem like a neat resolution, but it's potentially just the eye of the storm. If the underlying practices that led to the Sitzer/Burnett lawsuit remain intact, then what we're looking at isn't a solution—it's a temporary band-aid. It's as if Keller Williams is daring the world to come at them again, betting that the cost of settlements is just another line item in doing business.

The Specter Perspective: Risk vs. Reward

From an Affluent standpoint, the real play here isn't just about navigating legal hurdles; it's about assessing risk versus reward. Keller Williams has made a calculated decision that settling is cheaper than overhauling their business model. But in the high-stakes poker game of real estate, that's a risky bet. The next plaintiff might not be so easily satisfied, and the next lawsuit could be more costly, both in terms of dollars and reputation.

The Verdict: A Call for Change?

Keller Williams' settlement might have closed one chapter, but it's hardly the end of the story. In a world where perception is reality, the real estate giant needs to tread carefully. The industry, and indeed the public, will be watching closely. Will they take a hard look in the mirror and make the necessary changes, or will they continue to play a dangerous game of legal roulette?

In the end, the message is clear: in the unforgiving arena of real estate, it's not enough to just settle your battles. You need to learn from them, adapt, and ensure that you're not just fighting the same war tomorrow. After all, as Harvey Specter would say, "The only time success comes before work is in the dictionary." So… the ball is in your court. Are you ready to redefine the game, or are you setting the stage for a sequel nobody wants to see?

I will be attending the ONE Summit 2024 next week in Las Vegas. If you are too, or will be in Las Vegas Metro, respond to this email and let’s see if we can connect in person.

~Tommy Bullock

You Must Embrace New Construction In 2024 & Beyond

Alright, alright, alright—let's dive a little deeper into the heart of the matter, shall we?

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Imagine you're cruising down the highway of opportunity, top down, wind in your hair, and the scent of fresh construction in the air. Now, what if I told you that the road ahead is not just paved with opportunity, but with cold, hard data that's as tantalizing as a Texas BBQ on a summer's day?

Let's talk numbers, my friends, because in the world of real estate, numbers are the stars in our night sky. According to the bright minds over at Redfin, the last quarter of 2023 was like a revival tour for new construction homes. Sales of these shiny new abodes jumped by a whopping 16.2% year over year. Can you feel that? That's the rhythm of the market beating like a drum, signaling it's time to dance.

But wait, there's more. While the rest of the market was playing a slow ballad, with existing home sales down by 3.2%, new construction was rocking a solo that had everyone's attention. And the median sale price? It held steady, my friends, showing that new construction homes aren't just a flash in the pan; they're the main act.

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Now, why partner with mortgage brokers who are maestros in new construction? Imagine you're in a jazz club, the kind where the music seeps into your soul. These brokers, they're like the lead musicians, playing the complex notes of new construction loans with a finesse that makes it all seem effortless. They know the score, from down payments to interest rates, making the financing process as smooth as the saxophonist's solo that carries you away into the night.

Focusing on this niche in '24/'25 is like being the headliner at the biggest show of the decade. With inventory levels of new construction homes up by 1.5% while the rest of the market is tighter than a drum, you've got the stage set for a performance that'll be remembered for years to come. This is the time to shine, to specialize in new construction sales and home loans, because, my friends, this is where the future is being built, one dream home at a time.

So, to all you realtors and mortgage brokers tuning in, let's not just follow the market trends; let's lead the parade. Let's be the ones who navigate the nuances of new construction, who understand the melody of the market, and who can play the financing game with the skill of a seasoned jazz musician. Because when we partner together, we're not just selling houses; we're crafting legacies.

Remember, the road to success is always under construction, but with the right data, the right partners, and the right attitude, we're not just building homes; we're building dreams. And in this great concert of life, you want to make sure your performance is one for the history books. Keep your eyes on the data, your heart in the game, and let's make this journey one heck of a ride.

Media First

Alright, listen up, because I'm about to drop some truth bombs that are going to shake the very foundation of how you see your business in the real estate and mortgage brokerage game.

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This isn't just about selling homes or closing loans anymore. No, it's about something much bigger, much more critical. It's about understanding that before anything else, every single company out there needs to start thinking of itself as a media company first. Yes, you heard me right—a media company that just happens to sell homes or provide mortgage solutions.

Let's rewind the tape back to the early days of the internet. Remember that seismic shift when businesses moved from brick-and-mortar to online? The companies that thrived weren't just the ones that had a website; they were the ones that embraced technology to its core. They became tech companies that sold books, music, clothes, you name it. Fast forward to today, and we're on the brink of another monumental shift, thanks to the explosive growth of social media platforms like TikTok, YouTube, and Instagram.

Here's the deal: Social media isn't just a part of the game; it IS the game. And if you're not playing it like a pro, you're sitting on the sidelines. Realtors and mortgage brokers, listen up. The landscape has evolved. It's no longer enough to be the best at selling homes or securing loans. You need to be a content creator, a storyteller, a media powerhouse that just happens to be in the real estate or mortgage business.

Think about it. Why do people flock to social media? They're hungry for content, stories, connections, and experiences. And if you can provide that, if you can engage them with compelling content that resonates, then you've got them. They'll follow you, trust you, and when the time comes to buy a home or secure a mortgage, who do you think they'll turn to? The answer is you—the media company that knows them, understands them, and has been there with them all along.

This wave, my friends, is expected to last approximately eight years before the next big thing takes over, which is likely to be virtual reality. So, what does this mean for you? It means you've got a golden window right now to establish yourself as a media-first company. Start producing content that engages, informs, and entertains. Show the human side of your business. Share stories of dream homes come true, demystify the mortgage process, give tips, share market insights—all of it. And do it where your audience is spending their time: on social media.

The transition to a media-first approach is as crucial now as the transition to online was back in the day. Those who adapt, who embrace their new role as content creators and storytellers, will not only survive; they'll thrive. They'll build a brand that resonates, a community that engages, and a business that stands the test of time.

So, to all the realtors and mortgage brokers out there, it's time to shift your mindset. Become a media company first, your chosen profession second. Embrace the content game, and play it like you've never played anything before. Because in this new era, content isn't just king; it's the entire kingdom. And if you want to rule, you've got to start building your empire, one post, one video, one story at a time. Let's get it!



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