Edition 24023

We're Back! Navigating The New Email Regulations, It's Not All Rosy Plea To The Fed & The Tide Is Turning

In today's whirlwind of change, we're slicing through the digital clutter with a must-read that's as electrifying as it is essential. From the trenches of tech upgrades with DMARC Authentication to the seismic shifts in purchasing power and the urgent call from Capitol Hill affecting every corner of the real estate cosmos—this edition is your golden ticket. As we unpack the game-changing strategies and navigate the new norms of email marketing, affordability challenges, and policy upheavals, we're not just staying ahead—we're setting the pace. Buckle up for a ride that promises not only to enlighten but to ignite a firestorm of action. Welcome back to the forefront of real estate evolution.


Your Daily Dose

Heads Up, Real Estate Mavericks! The Email Game is Changing, and You're About to Score Big!

I had to take a step back and focus on “Tommy Tech Support” for a few days and handle some backend work for this newsletter to ensure you still receive my emails every day. That’s because there’s some new tech going into effect today to try and limit spam and emailing phishing attacks worldwide. This effects your CRM or large teams, brokerages or title companies. If you hadn’t heard about it don’t feel bad, I’m sending thousands of emails a day and just found out. So, after a brief hiatus, we’re diving deep into the tech trenches, we're back with a bang!

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And just in time to tackle the digital beast that's got everyone talking: DMARC Authentication. It's rolling out February 1st, and trust me, it's not just another tech buzzword. It's the golden ticket to ensuring your emails actually reach your clients. So, Realtors, Real Estate Teams, and Mortgage Brokers, buckle up! We're breaking down DMARC in terms you'll not only understand but appreciate. Why? Because it's about to make your large mailing lists a lot more powerful.

What's DMARC and Why Should I Care?

DMARC stands for Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting, and Conformance. Sounds like a mouthful, right? But here's the deal: it's essentially a superhero for your emails. In the simplest terms, DMARC is a policy that helps email providers distinguish between legit emails and spam or phishing attempts. It's like having a bouncer at the door of your email party, ensuring only the VIPs (a.k.a. your intended recipients) get in.

But Why Now?

With the digital space more crowded than ever, ensuring your emails land in the right inbox is crucial. DMARC is becoming a necessity, not a luxury. As of February 1st, if you don't have a DMARC policy in place, your emails might as well be invisible. For Realtors, Real Estate Teams, and Mortgage Brokers, whose bread and butter rely on email marketing, this is huge. It's not just about avoiding the spam folder; it's about building trust with your clients and ensuring your messages are seen and heard.

Breaking It Down: DMARC for the Real Estate Pro

Imagine sending out hundreds, if not thousands, of emails, only to have them vanish into the cyber abyss. That’s going to happen if you don’t have a DMARC policy on your email servers DNS settings… Frustrating, right? By setting up a DMARC policy, you're telling email providers, "Hey, these emails are legit. Let them through." It's a way to verify that the emails sent from your domain are authentic and to get reports on any that aren't. This means better email delivery rates, fewer fraud cases, and a stronger brand reputation. But if you don’t have a policy on file, you run the risk of having all of you company emails quarantined and not delivered.

The Real Deal: Why DMARC Can't Be Ignored

For the real estate industry, communication is key. Whether it's updates on the latest listings, closing documents, or marketing blasts, you need your emails to reach their destination. DMARC not only improves your email deliverability but also protects your brand from being used in phishing scams. Think about it: your brand's reputation is on the line every time an email is sent. DMARC helps keep that reputation intact.

Getting on Board: The DMARC Setup

Setting up DMARC might sound like a tech marathon, but it's more of a sprint. It involves updating your domain's DNS records with a DMARC policy. The good news? There are plenty of resources and experts out there to guide you through the process. If you need help, just reply to this email and I’ll lend you “Tommy Tech Support” for the afternoon. The investment in setting up DMARC is minimal compared to the potential losses from ignored or fraudulent emails.

The Bottom Line

As we dive into this new era of email authentication, the message is clear: DMARC is not just another hurdle. It's an opportunity to enhance your email marketing strategy, protect your brand, and ensure your messages hit home.

For Realtors, Real Estate Teams, and Mortgage Brokers, adapting to DMARC means staying ahead in the game. So, let's embrace this change, set up those DMARC policies, and keep those emails flowing. After all, in the fast-paced world of real estate, staying connected isn't just an option; it's a necessity.

$40K More in Your Buyers Pocket, But It's Not All Rosy!

Listen Up, Real Estate Hustlers: The Market's Throwing You a Curveball!

Yo! Just when you thought the real estate game was getting too predictable, the market hits us with a fastball straight out of left field.

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Mortgage rates are taking a dive from their peak last fall, and it's a whole new ball game for Realtors, Real Estate Teams, and Mortgage Brokers. We're talking a whopping $40,000 increase in purchasing power for those wielding a $3,000 monthly budget. But before you pop the champagne and start celebrating, let's dive into the nitty-gritty because it's not all sunshine and rainbows.

The Lowdown on the Showdown: Mortgage Rates Dip, But...

Here's the scoop: Mortgage rates have cooled down to an average of 6.7%, a significant drop from the near 8% we were grappling with last October. What does this mean? For starters, a homebuyer with a $3,000 monthly budget can now eye properties priced up to $453,000 instead of being capped at $416,000. That's nearly $40K more in purchasing power, folks. But here's the kicker: while this might sound like a win, the real estate battlefield is still fraught with affordability challenges.

Affordability Issues: The Elephant in the Room

Despite the boost in purchasing power, the dream of homeownership remains just that—a dream—for many. The typical U.S. home is pegged at around $363,000, with a monthly mortgage payment of about $2,545 at the current rate. Sure, it's a drop from the $2,713 payment at a 7.8% rate, but let's not ignore the elephant in the room: insurance, property taxes, and HOA fees are still part of the equation. And with bidding wars heating up as inventory remains tight, the affordability issue isn't going anywhere anytime soon.

The Real MVP: Strategic Thinking Over Timing the Market

Redfin's chief economist, Daryl Fairweather, drops a truth bomb: trying to time the market around mortgage rates is like trying to catch smoke—it's a waste of energy. The real MVP move? Focus on your personal and financial circumstances. If the home fits your long-term needs and you can swing it financially, that's your green light. Remember, the golden window of record-low rates has closed, but your opportunity to make smart, strategic moves in the real estate game is wide open.

What's Next? Suit Up and Play Smart

As we gear up for what's next, it's clear that the game has changed. The dip in mortgage rates presents a unique opportunity for buyers to reenter the market with a bit more swagger, thanks to their increased purchasing power. However, the real test will be navigating the affordability challenges that persist. For Realtors, Real Estate Teams, and Mortgage Brokers, this means getting creative, staying informed, and playing the long game.

So, what's the play? Suit up, strategize, and remember: in the high-stakes world of real estate, knowledge is power, and timing is everything—but understanding the market and your clients' needs is what truly makes you a game changer. Let's hustle!

I will be attending the ONE Summit 2024 next week in Las Vegas. If you are too, or will be in Las Vegas Metro, respond to this email and let’s see if we can connect in person.

~Tommy Bullock

A Critical Turning Point: Senator Warren's Plea to the Fed and Its Impact on Real Estate

In a compelling move that could reshape the landscape of the U.S. housing market, Senator Elizabeth Warren, alongside Senators John Hickenlooper, Jacky Rosen, and Sheldon Whitehouse, has issued a clarion call to Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell.

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Their message? It's time to reassess and reverse the aggressive interest rate hikes that have exacerbated the nation's housing affordability crisis. This letter, dated January 28, 2024, isn't just a piece of correspondence—it's a beacon for change in a market that's been under relentless pressure.

The Heart of the Matter: Interest Rates and Affordability

At the core of Senator Warren's letter is a stark critique of the Federal Reserve's current monetary policy, particularly its rapid and sustained increase in interest rates. This policy, aimed at curbing inflation, has inadvertently sent mortgage rates soaring to 20-year highs, placing an unbearable strain on American families. The dream of homeownership, once a cornerstone of the American ethos, is slipping away for many, as mortgage payments have surged by a staggering 46% from December 2021 to December 2022, further climbing to an average monthly payment of $2,883.

The Ripple Effects: From Construction to the Rental Market

The consequences of these policy decisions ripple far beyond the mortgage market. High interest rates have stifled new home and apartment construction, exacerbating a decade-long housing supply crisis. This supply shortage, coupled with reluctant homeowners unwilling to trade in their low-rate mortgages for higher ones, has kept home prices stubbornly high. Moreover, the rental market has felt the squeeze, with high interest rates contributing to soaring rent costs, further straining those already struggling to afford housing.

A Call for Action: Reversing the Rate Hikes

Senator Warren's letter is a plea for the Federal Reserve to pivot, urging a reversal of the rate hikes that have made affordable housing an elusive dream for too many Americans. This call to action is grounded in a broader vision of economic stability and inclusivity, emphasizing the critical role of housing in wealth creation and the disproportionate impact of current policies on Black and Hispanic households.

Implications for the Real Estate Industry

For real estate professionals, this letter is a signal of potential shifts on the horizon. A reversal or moderation of interest rate hikes could breathe new life into the housing market, making homeownership accessible to a broader segment of the population. It could also stimulate construction and development, easing the supply crunch that has plagued the market for years.

Navigating the Future

As we stand at this critical juncture, the real estate industry must stay attuned to the outcomes of Senator Warren's appeal. The Federal Reserve's response could herald a new era of housing policy, one that prioritizes accessibility and affordability. For Realtors, mortgage brokers, and all stakeholders in the housing market, the time is ripe to advocate for policies that support sustainable growth and ensure that the dream of homeownership remains within reach for every American.

In conclusion, Senator Warren's letter to the Federal Reserve is more than a call for policy change—it's a reflection of a nation grappling with the fundamental question of what it means to have a home. As we navigate these turbulent waters, the real estate industry must be ready to adapt, advocate, and act to ensure a future where everyone can find their place to call home.

Alright, Alright, Alright: The Real Estate Tide is Turning!

Strap in, my friends, because I've got a trio of tidbits that'll light a fire under your ambitions and maybe, just maybe, set the course for a stellar year ahead.

See Jason Momoa GIF by Apple TV+

Listen Up, Real Estate Mavericks: The Horizon's Looking Mighty Fine.

We're talking the whole shebang—mortgage applications, new home sales, and those ever-so-telling pending home sales—all pointing towards a market that's buzzing with energy like a night under the Texas stars. Let's peel back the layers and see why this is the moment you've been waiting for, with a little bit of that McConaughey flair.

1. Mortgage Applications: On the Rise, My Friends.

First off, we've got the Mortgage Bankers Association laying down some sweet, sweet numbers: mortgage application volume is climbing faster than a rocket. What's fueling this ascent? A solid boost in purchase loans, that's what. Despite a slight nudge up in mortgage rates, buyers are diving in early, pushing the Purchase Index up a solid 8.0%. While refinances might be taking a breather, the buying spirit is alive and well. For all you Realtors and Mortgage Brokers out there, this is your sign: the buyers are on the prowl, and they're looking for action.

2. New Home Sales: Sky's the Limit!

Just when you thought the news couldn't get any sweeter, along comes a stat that new home sales are not just good—they're out of this park. We're talking an annual rate of 664,000 units, folks. And the prices? They've taken a slight step back, making this prime time for buyers to step up. With inventory holding steady and sales popping off left and right (big tip of the hat to the Midwest and South), it's a prime time for builders and buyers alike. In other words, new homes are the place to be.

3. Pending Home Sales: Shooting for the Stars!

And just when you thought we were done, the National Association of Realtors comes in hot with news that pending home sales have blasted off, exceeding all expectations. This isn't just a momentary blip; it's a sign of a market that's got its groove back. With mortgage rates expected to stay in that sweet spot of 6-7% and rent growth taking a chill pill, 2024 is shaping up to be quite the year for buyers. And for you, the real estate virtuosos? It's your time to shine.

The Game Plan: Here's the Skinny

Here's the skinny: with mortgage apps on the up, new home sales hitting new heights, and pending sales setting the stage for a lively spring, the market's ripe for the picking. For Realtors, now's the time to rally those fence-sitters and highlight the bounty of opportunities at their fingertips. Mortgage Brokers, gear up to navigate your clients through these exciting times with wisdom only you can offer.

The Essence: Let's Make Magic Happen. 2024 isn't the year for playing it safe—it's the year to catch the wave, make bold strides, and grab hold of every chance that comes your way. Whether you're in the game of selling, buying, or financing, the market's sending us a clear signal: the time to act is now. So let's hit the ground running, create some magic, and make this year one for the books. The future's not just bright; it's dazzling. Let's get after it!



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