Edition 24020

Rising Above: Sarah Evans' Journey to Real Estate Success

Welcome to today's newsletter, brought to you by our friends at Bonner Wines. Dive into the inspiring journey of Sarah Evans, a realtor who's redefining success in Kingman, Arizona. In just three years, Sarah's resilience and hustle have made her our Realtor of the Week. Her story is more than just about selling houses; it's about ambition, overcoming odds, and achieving dreams. And while you're getting inspired by Sarah's journey, don't forget to click the link below check out Bonner Wines. Their support makes sharing these incredible stories possible. Cheers to growth, resilience, and a fine glass of wine! 🍷🏡✨

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Your Daily Dose

Hey everyone, I recently had this incredible chat where I got to dive deep into the story of Sarah Evans, a realtor from Kingman, Arizona. After only being licensed for 3 years… She is our Realtor of the Week! Let me tell you, her journey is not just inspiring; it's a masterclass in resilience and hustle.

Sarah Evans, Realty One Mountain Desert Group ~ Kingman Arizona

In a year where the real estate market was clouded with uncertainty and high interest rates, leading to half of U.S. real estate agents barely scratching one or zero deals, Sarah's story stands out as a beacon of inspiration and resilience. This isn't just about selling houses; it's about selling dreams, crushing goals, and turning challenges into triumphs.

The Beginning: A Bold Decision

Sarah's story starts with a bold decision that set the tone for everything that followed. In a market that was as unpredictable as a stormy sea, she did something that most would hesitate to even consider. She quit her full-time job of 14 years as a dispatcher for the sheriff's department and dove into real estate full-time in 2023. This wasn't just a career change; it was a leap of faith, a testament to her belief in her potential. In a market where even the most seasoned agents were struggling, Sarah's decision was both brave and bold. That decision earned her an exclusive invite to the Top Producers Reception at the International Realty One Summit happening next month in Las Vegas, Nevada.

Investing in Herself: A Game-Changing Strategy

Now, here's where Sarah's story takes an interesting turn. She understood something crucial – the importance of investing in yourself. Sarah embraced this fully. She didn't just increase her work hours; she strategically enhanced her skills and mindset. Hiring a personal trainer was part of this strategy. It wasn't just about physical fitness; it was about building mental toughness and resilience. This move was about preparing herself for the challenges of the real estate world, both physically and mentally. She also joined a coaching program at Realty One and later, a one-on-one coach with Forward Coaching. That's doubling down on your strengths and turning weaknesses into opportunities.

One of the biggest challenges in real estate, or any sales-related field, is overcoming the fear of being perceived as 'salesy.' Sarah faced this head-on. She shifted her perspective to see her role as not just selling properties but providing value and building genuine relationships. This mindset shift is crucial and often what separates the good from the great in the real estate industry.

In our chat, Sarah emphasized the power of authenticity. In a world where people are bombarded with sales pitches, and cheesy social media posts, her genuine approach was refreshing. She connected with clients on a personal level, understanding their needs and dreams. This authenticity wasn't just a strategy; it was Sarah being true to herself, and it resonated deeply with her clients. Those clients responded in a big way to the tune of 55 transactions and over $9 Million in volume in 2023!

Small Wins: The Building Blocks of Success

Every small victory was a celebration for Sarah. This mindset shift was crucial. In a landscape where losses were more common than wins, each small success was a big deal. This attitude kept her motivated and propelled her forward, even when the industry was stagnant.

Questioning whether we're celebrating our small wins is crucial for maintaining a positive and growth-oriented mindset. Often, we get so caught up in the pursuit of major goals that we overlook the significance of the incremental steps taken towards achieving them. Acknowledging these small victories not only boosts our morale and motivation but also helps us recognize our progress, keeping us engaged and resilient in our journey. This practice of celebrating the little achievements is a powerful tool for personal and professional development, as it reinforces our capabilities and encourages a habit of continuous improvement and appreciation for the journey, not just the destination.

  1. Do I Acknowledge My Daily Achievements? - Reflect on whether you take a moment each day to recognize even the smallest accomplishments in your work or personal life. Are you giving yourself credit for the progress made, regardless of how minor it may seem?

  1. How Do I React to Setbacks? - Consider your response to challenges or setbacks. Are you able to find and celebrate the small wins within those situations, learning and growing from them, or do you focus solely on the negatives?

  1. Am I Sharing My Successes? - Think about whether you share your small victories with others. Do you feel comfortable celebrating these moments with friends, family, or colleagues, thereby reinforcing their importance and your commitment to recognizing your own progress?

Consistency: The Underrated Superpower

I always say, "Consistency is key," and Sarah is a living example of this. She stayed consistent in her efforts, from client follow-ups to personal development. It's about showing up every day, giving your best, and staying true to your goals, no matter what the market or life throws at you.

Sarah's not just content with the status quo; she's aiming high. With a goal of hitting 14 million in sales in 2024 and that won’t happen without consistency…She's setting new standards for herself. She's streamlining her marketing and CRM systems, not just for efficiency but for effectiveness. Her long-term goal of leading her own team shows her ambition and vision for the future.

In our conversation, what impressed me most was Sarah's ability to rise above the market noise. While others were getting lost in the negativity, she consistently focused on positive actions and opportunities. She created her path, rather than waiting for the market to dictate her direction.

These practices work hand in hand to create a powerful framework for success. Micro-goals break down your journey into achievable steps, self-reflection allows you to track and adjust your progress, and an accountability partner or coach provides the external motivation and perspective needed to stay on course. Together, they form a robust approach to achieving and sustaining your goals.

Implementing best practices for consistent accountability is crucial in both personal and professional growth. Here are some key strategies:

  • Clear Goal Setting: Define specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) goals. Clear goals provide a roadmap and make it easier to hold yourself accountable.

  • Regular Check-ins: Schedule consistent check-ins with your accountability partner or coach. These meetings should review progress, address challenges, and adjust strategies as needed.

  • Transparency and Honesty: Be open about your successes and failures. Honesty with your accountability partner creates a trustful environment where real progress can be discussed and managed.

  • Constructive Feedback: Encourage your accountability partner to provide honest, constructive feedback. This can help identify blind spots and areas for improvement.

Building a Brand on Trust and Value

Sarah understood the importance of building a brand that's based on trust and value. She knew that in the long run, it's not just the number of deals you close, but the relationships you build and the reputation you earn. Her focus on providing genuine value to her clients helped her build a brand that stands for trust, reliability, and excellence. The brand is evident after looking at her glowing google reviews.

Learning from Losses: A Key to Growth

In real estate, as in life, losses and setbacks are inevitable. Sarah's approach to dealing with losses was another aspect that set her apart from other Realtors I’ve chatted with. She viewed each setback as a learning opportunity, a chance to grow and improve. This attitude helped her navigate the tough times without losing her focus or motivation whereas others I’ve spoken with tend to let losses eat at them and their mental well-being.

In any endeavor, be it professional or personal, encountering setbacks is a given. It's an unavoidable part of striving towards any goal. However, the key differentiator lies in how we perceive and respond to these setbacks. Sarah's method of viewing each loss as a learning opportunity is a testament to a growth mindset. Instead of allowing failures to diminish her spirit or drive, she used them as stepping stones to gain deeper insights and strengthen her skills.

Staying Grounded and Focused

Despite her success, Sarah remained grounded and focused. She didn't let the highs get to her head or the lows to her heart. This balance is crucial in an industry that can be as emotionally taxing as it is rewarding.

Staying grounded and focused in the fast-paced and often unpredictable real estate industry is crucial for long-term success and personal well-being. Here are two best practices that can help real estate professionals remain present and effective:

  1. Audit Your Circle Regularly: Who you hang with is who you become. Surround yourself with people who keep it real, who challenge you, and who aren't afraid to tell you like it is. Cut out the noise and negativity. You need a circle that's as grounded and focused as you aim to be. This isn't just networking; it's building a tribe that keeps you in check. Your vibe attracts your tribe, so make sure it's attracting winners who keep you grounded.

  1. Embrace the Grind with Gratitude: Every day, take a moment to be grateful for the hustle. Gratitude is the anchor that keeps you grounded. When you're chasing deals, negotiating, or grinding through paperwork, remember why you're doing it. Love the process, not just the payday. Stay focused on your 'why' – it could be your family, your dream, or your passion to win. Let that gratitude for what you do and why you do it be the fuel that keeps you going, no matter what the market throws at you.

Remember, staying grounded and focused isn't just about what you do; it's about who you are. It's about building a lifestyle and mindset that breeds success. Keep these practices in your toolkit, and you're not just going to survive in this game; you're going to dominate. Let's get it! 💥🏠🔥

By implementing these practices, real estate professionals can enhance their ability to stay grounded and focused, ensuring they are fully present and effective in their roles.

The Takeaway: Resilience, Hustle, and Heart

So, what's the big takeaway from Sarah Evans' story? It's that resilience, hustle, and heart can take you places. It's about believing in yourself, investing in your growth, staying true to your values, and consistently putting in the work. The real estate market will always have its ups and downs, but your attitude and approach can make all the difference.

Remember, it's not about the market conditions; people will continue to get married, make babies, buy that first house, move for a job, get divorced, downsize, invest and inevitably die… Life goes on, homes and land will continue to be bought and sold, it's about your mindset and actions. Go out there and make your mark, just like Sarah did. And who knows, maybe one day, we'll be having a fireside chat about your success story. Keep hustling, keep growing, and keep shining. 🔥🏠💥

We are only as strong as our network. If you want to connect with Sarah and I encourage you to do so, you can find her on: Facebook or The Web



or to participate.