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Free Training On Recruiting Funnels, Google My Business Update, A Smooth Landing & Goldman VS Everyone...

2024-2027 Real Estate Forecast: Goldman Sachs vs. The Rest - What's in Store?

Season 5 Idk GIF by Friends

Real estate professionals, fasten your seatbelts! Goldman Sachs has just released a housing forecast for 2024-2027, and it's a mixed bag of predictions. But how does it stack up against other industry giants like Redfin, Fannie Mae, and the Mortgage Bankers Association?

Goldman Sachs is playing it cautiously, predicting a sluggish home sales market with numbers not reaching 5.0 million until 2027. However, they're optimistic about home prices, expecting a rise from 0.6% in 2024 to 4.9% by 2026 and 2027.

In contrast, Redfin's outlook is more upbeat, forecasting home sales to bounce back to 4.5 million by the end of 2024. Fannie Mae's estimate is slightly conservative, projecting home sales at 4.04 million in 2024. The Mortgage Bankers Association is a bit more optimistic, predicting 4.40 million sales for the coming year.

What does this mean for you in the real estate game? It's a complex landscape with varying predictions. While Goldman Sachs suggests a slower sales market, others anticipate a quicker recovery. However, the common thread is the expected rise in home prices.

The takeaway? Stay agile and informed. The market is full of twists and turns, and your ability to adapt will be key. Keep an eye on these forecasts, but remember, they're guides, not gospel. Your expertise and flexibility will be your greatest assets in navigating this ever-changing market.

Decoding the Bond Market's Smooth Landing: Insights from a Superlative Week

Hey there, we’re, diving into the latest bond market movements that could impact your world. Friday, we witnessed a rather uneventful yet significant day in the bond market, capping off a week that deserves a closer look.

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Initially, the market reacted to NY Fed President Williams' comments, which seemed to contradict Powell's earlier statements about rate cuts. This caused a bit of a stir, but once the market digested the context, things stabilized. What's fascinating here is how the bonds remained relatively unchanged from Thursday afternoon, maintaining their stance through the 3pm CME close.

This stability is noteworthy. We saw a massively positive reaction to Wednesday's Fed Day, and unlike previous occasions, the market didn't undergo a correction. It's one of the calmest responses we've seen, considering the rally's size and pace.

Let's break down the numbers: NY Fed Manufacturing dropped to -14.5, defying the 2.0 forecast. Industrial Production slightly missed expectations at 0.2 versus the 0.3 forecast. Throughout the day, the 10-year yields fluctuated but ended slightly down at 3.913, with Mortgage-Backed Securities (MBS) also showing minor changes.

For those in the real estate and mortgage sectors, this translates to a market that's finding its footing amid mixed economic signals. It's a reminder to stay vigilant and adaptable. As we navigate these subtle yet crucial shifts, understanding the bond market's nuances can give you an edge in making informed decisions.

Stay tuned, and let's keep decoding these market movements together!

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Revolutionize Your Real Estate Game: Join Matt Smith's Exclusive Free Training on Mastering Recruiting Funnels!

Yo! Are you ready to catapult your career to new heights? I met Matt at a conference a few years back and he’s a wealth of information. This isn’t a paid ad; I saw his post on Facebook and wanted to share with all of you. I highly recommend signing up and attending on Monday, as of the time of me writing this, over 500 agents have already signed up!

Matt Smith, the dynamo behind Missouri's #1 Real Estate Team and a nationally recognized top performer, is hosting a not-to-be-missed FREE Zoom training. And guess what? You're invited!

Matt, an Inc 5000 Fastest Growing Company honoree for three consecutive years, is teaming up with Jon Cheplak to unveil the secrets behind his extraordinary success. This training is your golden ticket to mastering the art of recruiting – the very lever that propelled Matt to the pinnacle of real estate success.

Here's a sneak peek into what this game-changing session will cover:

  1. Discover the Three Funnels: Learn about the trio of recruiting funnels that generated a pipeline of over 7,000 eager candidates. This is your chance to build a recruitment powerhouse!

  2. Marketing Content Mastery: Get your hands on the exact marketing strategies that guarantee a steady flow of recruiting traffic. Say goodbye to hit-and-miss tactics!

  3. Landing Page Secrets: Unlock the formula for high-converting landing pages. These are the pages that don't just attract visitors – they turn them into leads.

  4. Webinar Dialogue Techniques: Master the art of persuasive webinar dialogue. Know precisely what to say and how to say it to captivate your audience.

  5. Evergreen Funnel Magic: Learn how to make your funnels evergreen, ensuring a consistent and effortless flow of traffic into your pipeline.

  6. Psychology of Lead Capture: Dive into the psychology behind crafting a lead capture form that converts. It's not just about the form; it's about understanding your audience's mindset.

  7. Traffic Generation Strategies: Discover the process to create a buzz and drive massive traffic even before your webinar is announced.

  8. Crafting Compelling Content: Learn how to create content that resonates with and converts your target audience. Speak their language, address their needs, and watch the magic happen.

  9. Tech Stacks Made Simple: Demystify the tech stacks you need to launch these funnels. It's easier than you think!

This training is a rare opportunity to learn from a real estate titan. Whether you're looking to grow your team or scale your business, Matt's insights are invaluable. And the best part? It's absolutely free!

Don't miss out on this chance to transform your real estate career. Register now at threerecruitingfunnels.com and prepare to be amazed. See you there!

Google's Latest Algorithm Update: A Game-Changer for Realtors on Google My Business

Okay, listen up!

So Good Yes GIF by ABC Network

Google has recently tweaked its algorithm for 'Google My Business', and this change could significantly impact your visibility to potential clients. If your profile shows that you're closed after certain hours, like 5:00 PM on Friday, you might be losing out to competitors who appear to be open.

Why is this crucial? In today's digital-first world, your online presence is often the first interaction potential clients have with your business. When someone searches for real estate agents, Google now prioritizes those listed as 'open'. This means if your profile indicates you're closed, you could be pushed down in search results, missing out on valuable leads.

Here's what you need to do:

  1. Update Your Business Hours: Log into your Google My Business account and adjust your operating hours to reflect that you're available. Consider setting your business as 'open' 24/7. This doesn't mean you have to work round the clock, but it acknowledges that real estate isn't a 9-5 job, and you're always ready to engage with clients.

  2. Activate Messaging: Enable the messaging feature on your profile. This way, even when you're not actively working, potential clients can leave messages that you can respond to later.

  3. Regularly Check Your Profile: Keep an eye on your Google My Business profile. Regular updates and prompt responses to reviews or queries improve your engagement and visibility.

By making these simple yet effective changes, you ensure that your profile stays at the top of search results, capturing the attention of prospective clients. In the competitive world of real estate, staying ahead with smart digital strategies is key to success. Don't let the algorithm change be a setback; instead, use it as a steppingstone to enhance your online presence and grow your business.



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