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The Hack Heard Round The Real World, A Big ASS Calendar and Decking the Halls..…

Thank You so much for opening this email and taking 5 minutes to read my newsletter. I hope you find some helpful value from todays read where we touch on: The Hack Heard Round The Real World, A Big ASS Calendar and Decking the Halls..…

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While most are decking the halls, it's time for you to double down on your hustle

While the holiday lights twinkle in lazy comfort, it's your moment to spark a wildfire in your business – December's quiet is your loudspeaker, your chance to be heard above the rest!"

As December's chill sets in, there's a familiar slowdown that creeps into the real estate industry. Offices start to empty, responses get delayed, and the general vibe? It's 'see you next year'. But here's a truth bomb for you: this is not the time to join the holiday hibernation. It's the time to rev up your engines, not turn them off. While your peers are busy hanging stockings, you should be hanging 'Sold' signs. This is the month where the real hustlers are separated from the holiday crowd, where the seeds you plant can grow into a forest of opportunities for 2024.

Why December is Your Golden Ticket

In a world where 'out of office' becomes the norm, your presence can be your biggest asset. This is the month where your competition is at its lowest, giving you a clear runway. It's like having an open mic at the biggest stage of the year, with everyone else too busy tuning out. Your voice, your brand, can dominate this space, making you the go-to realtor or mortgage expert when everyone else is just trying to catch up.

Ramp Up When They're Winding Down

Think about it. Less noise in the market means your voice carries further. Your marketing? It stands out like a beacon. Those leads you're nurturing? They're not getting bombarded by your competitors. This is your time to shine, to make those connections that others are too 'busy' sipping eggnog to make.

Strategies to Supercharge Your December

  1. Boost Your Marketing: While others cut back, increase your ad spend. Get aggressive with your social media. Be the face they see when they're scrolling through their holiday feeds.

  2. Personal Touch: Send out holiday greetings, but make them memorable. A personal note, a small gift, something that says, "I'm here, and I'm thinking about your future home or loan."

  3. Network Like a Boss: Holiday events are networking goldmines. Be there, be present, and turn every holiday party into an opportunity.

  4. Plan for 2024: Use this 'quiet' time to strategize. Set your goals, outline your plans, and hit January running.

  5. Educate & Inform: Share content that matters. Market insights, tips for buying in the new year, mortgage advice. Be the expert they need.

The Payoff? A Kickass 2024

By pushing when others are pulling back, you're setting yourself up for a killer year. You'll enter 2024 with momentum, relationships, and a pipeline that's already flowing. While they're trying to shake off the holiday hangover, you're already closing deals.

December isn't the month to slow down; it's your secret weapon. Use it. Be the exception in a sea of holiday norms. Trust me, when you're crushing it in 2024, you'll look back at this December as the turning point. Now, go get it!

Winning 2024 With A Big ASS Calendar

Imagine your 2024 calendar not just as a schedule, but as your personal scoreboard for success. Let's turn those pages into a blueprint for a year that's not just busy, but brilliantly productive.

Let’s to flip your perspective on planning for 2024. Forget the traditional New Year's resolutions that fizzle out by February. It's time to look at your calendar as more than just dates and appointments; it's the ultimate tool for crafting a year of meaningful victories. Below is a video from last year, it’s only 23 minutes long and may be the most import 23 minutes of your 2024 personal and professional life. If you don’t do anything else today… Watch this 👇

Unlocking the Power of the Big Ass Calendar

Now, let's dive deeper into a game-changing tool I swear by – the Big Ass Calendar. This isn't just any calendar; it's a visual powerhouse that puts your entire year in front of you in a way that's impossible to ignore. It's about seeing the big picture – literally.

How the Big Ass Calendar Works

  1. Visualize Your Entire Year: The Big Ass Calendar is large, meant to be put on a wall where you can see your entire year at a glance. This bird's-eye view is crucial. It allows you to map out your long-term goals and see how your daily actions align with them.

  2. Color Coding for Clarity: Use different colors to categorize activities. For instance, green for income-generating activities, blue for personal growth, red for important deadlines, and so on. This color-coding makes it easy to assess if you're balancing your time effectively across different areas.

  3. Monthly Themes: Assign a theme or primary focus to each month. For example, January could be 'Networking Expansion', February 'Marketing Mastery', and so on. This keeps you aligned with specific objectives and ensures a well-rounded approach to your goals.

  4. Weekly Wins: Break down your monthly themes into weekly goals. What specific actions will you take each week to support your monthly theme? This breakdown turns abstract goals into concrete steps.

  5. Daily Actions: Finally, distill your weekly goals into daily tasks. These are your non-negotiables for each day. By completing these, you ensure consistent progress towards your larger objectives.

The Benefits of the Big Ass Calendar Approach

  • Accountability: With your goals visually mapped out, it's harder to ignore or forget them. This calendar acts as a constant reminder of what you're working towards.

  • Motivation: Seeing your progress in a visual format is incredibly motivating. It turns abstract goals into something tangible.

  • Balance: By color-coding and theming your activities, you can easily spot if you're neglecting any area of your life or work, helping you maintain a healthier balance.

Why Your Calendar is Your Secret Weapon

Your calendar is a visual representation of how you spend the most valuable asset you have: your time. It's not just about filling slots; it's about making each day count towards a bigger picture. Every entry should be a step towards your personal and professional goals. Think of it as your daily scorecard. Are you winning the day, the week, the month?

Strategize Like a Pro

  1. Set Clear Goals: Start by defining what success looks like for you in 2024. Is it growing your real estate business? Doubling your client list? Whatever it is, write it down.

  2. Break it Down: Big goals are great, but they're achieved by many small steps. Break your goals into monthly, weekly, and daily tasks. Make each day a building block towards your bigger goal.

  3. Prioritize Your Health: Remember, your energy is your secret sauce. Block out time for exercise, meditation, or whatever keeps you at your peak. If you're not at your best, your business can't be either.

  4. Learn and Grow: Dedicate time each week to learning. Whether it's market trends, new mortgage products, or personal development, staying informed and growing is key.

  5. Network Intentionally: Fill your calendar with meaningful interactions. Attend industry events, schedule coffee with mentors, and connect with clients regularly.

The Benefits of This Approach

By treating your calendar as your game plan, you're actively taking control of your time and, by extension, your success. This approach ensures that you're not just busy, but productive. You'll find yourself making more intentional decisions, focusing on what truly moves the needle. It's about working smarter, not just harder.

As you plan for 2024, remember, each day is a new opportunity to score points towards your year-end goals. Your calendar isn't just a tool; it's the playbook for your success. Fill it wisely, and watch how it transforms not just your year, but your life.

Want A Big Ass Calendar For You Or Your Team? Click Here

In the high-stakes game of real estate, a major title company just got checkmated by hackers

We need to talk about something big. A major title company just got hit by hackers, throwing real estate transactions into disarray. This isn't just a problem for the company or its clients; it's a glaring red flag for the entire national real estate industry. I witnessed first hand as several of my wife’s closing were put on hold, threatened and cancelled.

Security Laughing GIF by Intruder

This isn't just a business hiccup; it's a national wake-up call.

The Big Picture: National Implications of the Hack

  1. Security is No Longer Optional: This hack is a brutal reminder that in the digital age, cybersecurity is as crucial as locking your front door. We're talking about sensitive data – social security numbers, bank details, personal information. It's not just about protecting data; it's about safeguarding people's futures.

  2. Ripple Effect Across the Industry: When a title company stumbles, the shockwaves hit hard. Real estate deals across the country are on pause. Buyers, sellers, realtors, brokers – everyone's in limbo. This isn't a localized issue; it's a national gridlock.

  3. Trust in the System Shaken: Trust is the bedrock of any financial transaction. This hack doesn't just disrupt sales; it erodes confidence. If people can't trust the system to keep their most significant investments safe, the whole market feels the tremors.

Call to Action

  1. Industry-Wide Security Overhaul: It's time for the real estate industry to double down on cybersecurity. We need a unified front, from small agencies to national companies. This means investing in top-tier security measures, continuous monitoring, and rapid response teams.

  2. Educate and Empower the Players: Knowledge is power. Every player in the real estate game, from the first-time homebuyer to the seasoned investor, needs to be aware of cybersecurity. We should be talking about safe digital practices as much as we talk about market trends.

  3. Government Involvement: This isn't just a private sector issue; it's a matter of national economic security. We need policies and regulations that not only set the standard for cybersecurity in real estate but also provide support for companies to meet these standards.

This hack is a wake-up call, loud and clear. The real estate industry needs to step up its game in cybersecurity, not just for its own sake, but for the health of the national economy. It's time to turn this crisis into a catalyst for change. Let's secure our digital doors and windows before the next storm hits.



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