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Lowest Rates in 3 Months? Bezos Buying Up Single Family Homes, Top 101 Hash Tags & Some Shade Thrown

Thank You so much for opening this email and taking 5 minutes to read my newsletter. I hope you find some helpful value from todays read where we touch on: The Lowest Mortgage Rates in 3 Months? Bezos Buying Up Single Family Homes, Top 101 Hash Tags & Some Shade Thrown..…

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A New Dawn in Mortgage Rates? Here's What You Need to Know

Is This the Light at the End of the Tunnel for Mortgage Rates? Hey there, Realtors and Mortgage Pros! we’re, bringing you the latest scoop on the mortgage market. You know, it's beginning to look a lot like... a downtrend in rates! That's right, after a period of uncertainty and sideways shuffling, we're seeing signs that could spell relief for our industry.

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The Big Picture: A Shift in the Wind

Let's dive into the nitty-gritty. Recently, we've witnessed a narrower range between CPI and NFP, hinting at a more bullish reality. The past two days have been particularly telling, suggesting a potential downtrend in rates. But hold your horses – we need more than just a couple of days to confirm this trend. Keep your eyes peeled for next week's economic data; it's going to play a crucial role in determining the direction of rates.

A Glimmer of Hope?

There's a buzz in the air, folks. The market is starting to buy into the idea of a significant rate reversal. We've had a couple of false starts before, but maybe, just maybe, the third time's the charm. The latest rally, though short, is backed by a noticeable shift in tone from the Fed and some encouraging economic data.

Shifting Trends, Shifting Strategies?

Now, let's talk strategy. We've seen another day of modest gains, but this time, the reasons aren't as clear-cut as before. It's not just about the Fed's comments; it's a collective effort. This shift from a sideways trend to a downtrend in rates is welcome news, but it begs the question – should this change how you interact with the rate market? The answer isn't straightforward and depends on your current relationship with the market. Remember, this is a short-term consideration. The real game-changer will be next week's data, which could influence longer-term strategies.

Lowest Mortgage Rates in Nearly 3 Months

And here's the cherry on top: we're seeing the lowest mortgage rates in almost three months! No major economic reports or headlines today, just a steady, orderly movement in the bond market. This improvement brings top-tier 30yr fixed rates back into the high 6% range – a significant improvement from the past weeks. But don't get too comfortable; predicting whether this trend will continue is like trying to catch a falling knife. The upcoming week is packed with economic reports that could turn the tables.

So, what's the takeaway for all you real estate mavens and mortgage maestros? Keep a close eye on the market, be ready to adapt your strategies, and most importantly, stay informed. The next few days could be crucial in shaping the mortgage landscape. Here's to hoping for more good news!

When CEOs Throw Shade: Homes.com-CoStar's Boss Gets Real on Realtor.com and WSJ

Ladies and gentlemen, gather 'round, 'cause I've got a juicy story that's hotter than a foreclosure sale in July! You see, CoStar's CEO, Andy Florance, just dropped an email bombshell that's got more spice than grandma's chili. He's out here calling out Realtor.com and the Wall Street Journal like it's a comedy roast!

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The Email Heard 'Round the Real Estate World

So, Andy Florance, this CEO cat, decides to pen a letter to Realtors. He starts off smooth, thanking them for showing up at their Homes.com booth and jamming with the Goo Goo Dolls. But then, oh boy, he shifts gears faster than a shady lender on commission day!

Your Listing, Your Lead: The Homes.com Hustle

Andy's out here preaching the gospel of "Your Listing, Your Lead." He's saying, "Hey, your listings are your hard work, your sweat, your tears – why should other portals cash in on your grind?" He's talking about how home buyers are tired of hitting that "Contact Agent" button and getting bombarded like it's Black Friday at Best Buy.

The Shade: Realtor.com and WSJ Under Fire

But wait, it gets better. Andy throws shade at Realtor.com and WSJ like it's an eclipse! He's calling out Bob Evans from Realtor.com for spreading rumors at the NAR NXT party. I mean, come on, Bob, what's next? Saying Homes.com is secretly run by cats?

And don't even get me started on the Wall Street Journal. Andy's like, "Hold up, these folks are writing more drama than a daytime soap opera." He's calling out their articles like they're auditioning for a villain role in a real estate thriller.

The Real Deal: CoStar's Love for Realtors

But here's the kicker, folks. Andy's not just throwing punches; he's also spreading love for the Realtors. He's like, "We're here for you, we got your back." He's talking about connecting buyers directly to agents, making sure those hard-earned commissions go where they belong.

So, what's our take on all this? It's like watching a heavyweight fight in the world of real estate. Andy Florance is out here dropping truth bombs like they're hot, and Realtor.com and WSJ are on the ropes. It's a wild ride, y'all, and I'm just here for the popcorn and the punchlines!

Remember, in the world of real estate, it's not just about selling houses; it's about standing up for your turf, your work, and your worth. And if you can't stand the heat, well, you better stay out of Andy's kitchen!

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The Game-Changer in Real Estate: Bezos-Backed Arrived's Bold Move into Single-Family Rentals

Let's talk about something that's shaking up the real estate world big time. We're diving into the latest move by Arrived, a young real estate company that's got the backing of none other than Jeff Bezos. They're launching a new fund to acquire more single-family homes across the U.S., and let me tell you, this is big news.

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"Shaking Up the Real Estate Scene: How Arrived is Redefining Investment Opportunities"

The Rise of Single-Family Rentals

In the current market, where buying a home is becoming a distant dream for many Americans, single-family rentals are the new gold rush. Investment firms are jumping on this bandwagon, and why wouldn't they? It's a no-brainer with the demand for rentals skyrocketing.

Arrived: The New Kid on the Block

Enter Arrived. This company might be young, but it's making waves with its fractional real estate investing platform. Think about it – you can now invest in real estate with as little as $100. That's less than the cost of a pair of decent sneakers! Since its launch in 2021, they've attracted nearly half a million retail investors. That's not just impressive; it's groundbreaking.

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The Numbers Game

Let's talk numbers, because in business, numbers don't lie. Arrived has funded over 388 homes, totaling more than $122 million in value. These properties get snapped up faster than front-row tickets to a championship game. They've even had to cap investments on many offerings – that's how hot this platform is.

The New Fund: A Game Changer

Arrived isn't just sitting back and enjoying their success. They're upping the ante with the Arrived Single Family Residential Fund. This isn't just about investing in properties; it's about simplifying the whole process. Investors can now put in more money at once, on their own schedule, without waiting for individual properties to launch. It's like having VIP access to the real estate investment club.

Diversification and Flexibility

Diversification is key in any investment strategy, and Arrived gets it. Investors in this new fund will have their eggs in multiple baskets, spread across various real estate markets. Plus, they're offering an option to redeem or liquidate shares quarterly after the first six months. That's the kind of flexibility and control every investor dreams of.

The CEO's Optimism

Ryan Frazier, the CEO of Arrived, is bullish about the single-family home market. And why wouldn't he be? We're talking about an asset class that has shown robust returns and lower volatility compared to the stock market. The demand for housing is outstripping supply, and that's music to the ears of any investor.

Dividend Income and Traditional Model Continuation

In the third quarter of 2023 alone, investors on the platform raked in about $890,000 in dividend income. That's a significant increase from the previous quarter. Over the past year, they've disbursed over $2.8 million in dividends. And for those who love the traditional model, don't worry – you can still invest in individual property shares with the same $100 minimum.

Backing from the Big Guns

Arrived isn't just another startup trying to make a splash. They've got the backing of some of the biggest names in tech and business, including Jeff Bezos, Marc Benioff, Spencer Rascoff, and Dara Khosrowshahi. When you have heavyweights like these in your corner, you know you're doing something right.

The Future of Real Estate Investing

What Arrived is doing here is more than just launching a new fund. They're changing the game in real estate investing. They're making it accessible, flexible, and, most importantly, lucrative. This is the kind of innovation that keeps the market dynamic and opens doors for new and seasoned investors alike.

In the world of real estate, staying ahead of the curve is crucial. Arrived's new fund is a testament to the evolving landscape of real estate investment. It's a bold move, but in business, fortune favors the bold. This could very well be the start of a new era in real estate investing, where accessibility and innovation lead the charge. Keep an eye on Arrived. They're not just playing the game; they're changing it. And in this fast-paced world of real estate, that's exactly what you need to stay ahead.

Crushing It with Hashtags: The Way to Dominate Real Estate Marketing

Yo!, We're about to dive deep into the world of real estate hashtags. This isn't just some fluffy trend, folks. It's a hardcore strategy to skyrocket your real estate hustle. You're leaving money on the table if you're not leveraging hashtags like a boss. Let's break it down.

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Listen Up, Real Estate Hustlers: It's Time to Get Your Hashtag Game On Point!

What's the Big Deal with Hashtags Anyway?

First off, let's get this straight: hashtags are like the SEO of social media. They're not just cute little symbols; they're your ticket to connecting with a massive audience and pulling in those juicy leads. But here's the kicker: you've got to use them right. It's not about spamming; it's about strategizing.

The Golden Rule: Quality Over Quantity

Listen, I know you're tempted to throw in a zillion hashtags on your posts, but that's rookie stuff. You want to play in the big leagues? Keep it between 5-10 real estate hashtags per post. That's how you avoid looking spammy and keep your content legit.

Mix It Up: Popular and Niche Hashtags

You've got to balance your hashtag game. Throw in some popular ones to get those eyeballs, but don't forget the niche hashtags. That's where the real magic happens. You want to target your ideal clients, right? So, if you're all about luxury real estate, #luxuryrealestate is your new best friend.

Platform-Specific Strategies: Know Your Battlefield

Each social media platform is a different beast. You've got to tailor your hashtag strategy accordingly.

  • Facebook: Keep it simple. One or two hashtags max.

  • Instagram: This is hashtag heaven. Aim for around 11 hashtags for the sweet spot of engagement.

  • Pinterest: Think SEO. A couple of hashtags should do the trick.

  • Twitter: Short and sweet wins the race. Two hashtags max.

  • LinkedIn: Yes, LinkedIn loves hashtags too. Stick to around five for the best results.

The Ultimate Hashtag Arsenal

Ready to up your game? Here's a killer list of 101 real estate hashtags. Mix and match these bad boys to create a hashtag strategy that's as unique as your brand.

General Real Estate Hashtags



















Real Estate/Property Listings Hashtags





























Style/Interior Decorating Hashtags





































Real Estate Branding Hashtags





















Using hashtags strategically is not just about expanding your network; it's about boosting your brand big time on social media. It's about standing out in a sea of posts and attracting the right audience. So, don't sleep on the power of the hashtag. With the right strategy, you can generate leads, connect with peers, and crush it in the real estate game. Remember, real estate moguls, hashtags are your secret weapon. Use them wisely, and watch your social media presence explode. Stay hungry, stay smart, and keep crushing it!



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