Edition 23037

5 New Listings in 30 Minutes, Client Events, Handling Prospect Objections & The 2024 Market Update.

Thank You so much for opening this email and taking 5 minutes to read my newsletter. I hope you find some helpful value from todays read where we touch on: How to Get 5 New Listings in 30 Minutes, Client Events, Handling Prospect Objections & The 2024 Market Update..…

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Flip the Script: From Struggle to Success with Epic Client Events!

Ever felt like you're just another face in the real estate crowd? I've been there, hustling hard but feeling like I'm running in place.

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Imagine this: you're grinding away in the real estate game, doing alright but not really breaking through. You're one of many, trying to carve out your niche, but it's tough. You're putting in the effort but not seeing the standout results you're dreaming of.

Then, something clicks. I discovered the power of Sponsored Client Appreciation Events. It wasn't just about listing and selling; it was about creating a memorable experience, a community vibe.

I started to plan. What if I could create an event that wasn't just a thank-you to clients but a full-blown, unforgettable experience? I thought about a theme that would resonate, a local venue that would bring people together, an event that was more than just a gathering.

Budgeting was crucial. I listed everything – food, drinks, activities, and those little extras that make an event special. But the real game-changer? Sponsors. I reached out to local businesses, not just for funding but for partnerships, for building a community effort.

The invites were key. They had to be more than just a card or an email; they had to build excitement, anticipation. I used videos, personalized emails, calls. Each one was crafted to not just inform but to entice. And at the end of each conversation, I made sure to ask for referrals. It was about providing value first, then asking for something in return.

The event day was electric. I was more than just a host; I was a connector, a community builder. The sponsors were part of the experience, gaining exposure, and appreciation from the community. It was about making everyone involved feel special, feel part of something bigger.

After the event, the work continued. I reached out to everyone, attendees or not. It was about maintaining those relationships, keeping the conversation going. The event was over, but the connections, the potential for new business and referrals, were just beginning.

This event was a turning point. I went from being just another broker to a community leader, a standout in my field. My business transformed, not just in numbers but in the depth and quality of relationships and referrals.

So here's the challenge for you: step out of the ordinary. Create experiences, not just transactions. Build your community, and watch as your business transforms from just another real estate operation to a standout success story.

Navigating the 2024 Housing Market: Insights for Real Estate Pros

In the dynamic world of real estate, understanding market trends is crucial. As we look towards 2024, there's a mix of challenges and opportunities on the horizon. Let's break it down.

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Gif by vflwolfsburg on Giphy

First off, the good news: both mortgage rates and home prices are expected to edge lower in 2024, offering a glimmer of hope for affordability. This shift could mark the beginning of a turnaround, a much-needed breather in a market that's been relentlessly climbing. Realtor.com's chief economist, Danielle Hale, predicts an average mortgage rate around 6.8%, dipping to 6.5% by year-end. Home prices might see a modest drop of about 1.7%. After years of steady increase, this is a welcome change.

However, it's not all smooth sailing. The supply of existing homes will continue to be a challenge. Despite the easing prices, home shoppers will still face relatively high costs. The typical monthly purchase cost for a median-priced home is estimated to hover just under $2,200 a month, taking up about 35% of the typical household income. This is slightly better than 2023's figures, but still a significant chunk of the budget.

The real pinch comes with inventory. A projected 14% drop in inventory year-over-year means that finding the right existing home could be tougher than ever. Many homeowners, weighing the high costs, might choose to stay put rather than move, further straining the supply.

But there's a silver lining. The rental market and new construction could act as relief valves. With a near-record level of rental supply under construction, the rental market might not tighten as much as feared. This could lessen competition in the housing market, offering alternative options for those struggling to find suitable homes to buy.

Mortgage rates are expected to slip gradually as the economy softens and inflation is reined in. If rates fall more than forecast, we could see an increase in both supply and demand as more homeowners decide to move.

However, there are wild cards to watch out for. Geopolitical tensions and inflation could throw a curveball at these predictions. If inflation doesn't subside as expected, long-term interest rates might rise, pushing mortgage rates higher than anticipated. This could deter potential sellers and buyers, hindering home sales.

As real estate professionals, it's essential to stay informed and adaptable. Understanding these trends and preparing for various scenarios will be key to navigating the 2024 housing market successfully.

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Maximizing Real Estate Opportunities: A Realtor's Guide to Cold Calling Success. In the fast-paced world of real estate, cold calling can be a game-changer. But how do you turn a simple phone call into a potential sale? Brandon, a realtor from Real Estate One, demonstrates the power of effective communication and strategy in real estate cold calling.

The Art of the Cold Call:

Cold calling in real estate isn't just about dialing numbers; it's an art. Brandon's approach shows that with the right technique, you can turn a cold lead into a warm opportunity. His method involves understanding the property owner's needs and offering solutions, not just a sales pitch.

Building Rapport Over the Phone:

Alright, listen up, because this is key: Building rapport isn't just important, it's everything. Brandon gets this. He jumps into each call with a vibe that's more friendly chat than sales pitch. That's how you break the ice and get real with property owners. It's not just chit-chat; it's strategy, and it's smart.

Now, let's talk about tuning in to what these owners need. Vacant property? Needs repairs? Brandon's all over it, customizing his talk to fit their story. That's not just selling; that's understanding, and that's how you show you're not just another realtor – you're the realtor.

Communication – it's the heart of the game. Brandon's got this down. He's not just talking; he's listening, really hearing what these owners are saying, and hitting back with responses that resonate. This isn't just building trust; it's laying the foundation for a business relationship that's going to last.

Objections? They're part of the game. But here's how Brandon plays it: he takes those objections and flips them into opportunities. Offering a market analysis, future help – that's how you keep the conversation alive and the door open.

And here's the clincher – the follow-up. Brandon nails this. He's not just ending calls; he's starting relationships. Getting that contact info, keeping the lead warm – that's how you turn a cold call into a hot lead.

Remember, it's not just about making the call; it's about making the call matter. That's how you win in this game.

Brandon's approach to cold calling in real estate is a masterclass in communication, strategy, and persistence. By understanding the needs of property owners, building rapport, and effectively communicating, realtors can turn cold calls into successful business opportunities. Remember, in real estate, every call can be a step towards your next big deal. Keep dialing, keep talking, and most importantly, keep listening.

Overcoming Cold Call OBJECTIONS

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Rules when responding to objections

1. Always be positive

2. NEVER argue or be combative

3. Use a nurturing tonality

4. If there’s NO PAIN, MOVE ON

How to respond to any objection using the ARP Framework

1. A - Agreeable acknowledgement

  • Stay calm

  • Nurture

  • This helps to lower the prospects psychological reactance

  • We want to say what they are thinking which elicits report and empathy

  • There can be NO PAUSE after you acknowledge the prospect

2. R - Respond with a empathy and gain permission to ask one more question

  • This is will help slow the conversation down and help you have longer conversations

3. P - Pivot to a “No oriented” or “Self admission” question using the “if/then ”conditional framework

  • The LAST thing you want to do here is ask a question that puts the prospect right back into reactance.

  • The question you must ask here needs to be strategic. Pull from their initial objection and then ask a question that would align with their desired outcome.

  • Use the if/then conditional framework to craft your question.

Objection: “We’re going to use the same agent/friend in the business”

A - “Makes sense...

R - “and listen, before you hang up, can I ask you a quick question about that?

P - “Since you’re using the same agent, would there be any downside in potentially getting a second opinion before you make any decisions?

Objection: “Do you have a buyer?”

A - “I’m glad you brought that up..

R - That was actually the reason I was calling, can I ask you something about that before I let you go?

P - Would you be totally against the idea of having more than just one buyer interested in your home... I mean...if it meant you'd got the price you were looking for or more?”

Objection: “We’re going to wait/not selling any longer”

A - “Makes sense with how crazy this market is...

R - “Listen, before you hang up, can I ask you a quick question about that?

P - “If you got an offer on the home with the price and terms you wanted or more, is that something you’d be totally opposed to at this point?”

Objection: “Interest rates are too high”

A - “I totally understand and I’m hearing that a lot lately...

R - “Listen, before you hang up, can I ask you a quick question about that?

P - “If there was a massive advantage to moving now, would you be totally against potentially getting together to discuss your options?”

Objection: “We’re not going to list it with a realtor”

A - “Makes sense and you shouldn't have to in this market...

R - “Listen, before you hang up, can I ask you a quick question about that?

P - “If for some reason, 30 days goes by and you’re unable to sell it on your own and I’m sure that won’t be the case, then at that point would you be totally opposed to potentially interviewing agents to help you get the home sold?”

Objection: “How much do you charge?”

A - “I’m glad you brought that up...

R - “and listen, before I let you go, , can I ask you a quick question about that?

P - “I have a performance based compensation plan where I only get paid if you get the offer you’re looking for or more so I was curious if it would be a complete waste of time if we got together and discussed my plan to get your home sold?”

Objection: “How much do you charge?”

A - “I’m glad you brought that up...

R - “and listen, before I let you go, , can I ask you a quick question about that?

P - “I have a performance based compensation plan where I only get paid if you get the offer you’re looking for or more so I was curious if it would be a complete waste of time if we got together and discussed my plan to get your home sold?”

Objection: “What are you going to do differently than other agents?”

A - “I’m glad you brought that up...

R - “and listen, before I let you go, , can I ask you a quick question about that?

P - “Because all my clients tell me that I do business completely differently from other agents which you can be the judge of that, I’m curious, if I could show you a plan that resulted in your home selling for the price you wanted or more, would you be totally against giving me the opportunity to earn your business?



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