Edition 23034

Learn How We Create Video Content Using Ai Tools ChatGPT+ & CapCut in Under 5 Minutes.

Learn How We Create Video Content Using Ai Tools ChatGPT+ & CapCut in Under 5 Minutes.

Today's national Real Estate and Mortgage news might be snoozefest central, but hold up, we've got something that'll light a fire under your updates. We're talking a left turn into the wild world of AI video creation, teaming up ChatGPT with CapCut.

So listen up, because I'm about to drop some serious knowledge bombs on you. We're living in a world where content is king, and if you're not in the game, you're on the sidelines. But I get it, not everyone's got a content team or the confidence to jump in front of the camera. That's where the magic of tools like ChatGPT and CapCut comes in.

Let's get real – to dive into this, you need the ChatGPT upgrade. Yeah, it's 20 bucks a month, but trust me, it's like finding a goldmine in your backyard. This isn't just about getting VIP treatment and never hitting a downtime. It's about unlocking a treasure chest of plugins. Think of it – from a simple PDF reader to a sharp stock analysis tool, and even a web browsing link reader. ChatGPT's rolling out the red carpet to a world where everything's possible, and it's hooking up with CapCut and Canva.

So, you've got ChatGPT+? Sweet. Now, hit that plugin link sitting pretty right on top. One click and you're in the game. Let's turn this slow news day into a headline-maker!"

Then scroll to the bottom and click on plugin store

Then type, find and click install “Link Reader”

Now you should be in business and it should look like this 👇but if it doesn’t just hit the plugin dropdown and find “Link Reader” and check it!

Now we get to start cooking with Ai magic. Hit up google and do a quick search for whatever you want to make a video about, like first time home buyer tips or everything you need to know about reverse mortgages.

For this exercise were going to use this article from Nerd Wallet on First Time Home Buyer Tips

Now we head over to ChatGPT + with the “Link Reader” plugin enabled and ask it to create a video script based on the article using the below prompt:

create a 250 word script for a social media video using this link, touching on all tips https://www.nerdwallet.com/article/mortgages/tips-for-first-time-home-buyers, also start the script with the perfect hook point

Here’s the script it pushed out. Keep in mind that ChatGPT is always learning and evolving, also, I have my version of ChatGPT trained to output content in a certain tone, flow and reading level so if you try to replicate this step by step it may come out slightly deferent. If you need consulting on how to do this shoot me an email at [email protected]

"Hey, Future Homeowners! Are you ready to turn your dream into an address? Let's dive into the ultimate guide for first-time home buyers. This isn't just about picking a house; it's about nailing the whole process, from saving up to sealing the deal.

First things first, start saving early. That down payment isn't going to accumulate itself! And remember, it's not just about the down payment; closing costs and move-in expenses are part of the game too.

Now, how much house can you really afford? Don't play the guessing game; use a home affordability calculator. It's all about balancing your dreams with your reality.

Credit score looking a bit rough? Polish that baby up! Your credit score is like your dating profile in the mortgage world – it's gotta shine to get the best rates.

Mortgage options – they're like flavors of ice cream, there's one for everyone. Conventional, FHA, USDA, VA – know your options and what works for you.

And hey, don't forget about first-time home buyer programs. These can be your golden ticket to down payment assistance, closing cost help, and even tax credits.

Shop around for mortgage rates and fees like you're buying a new car. Compare, negotiate, and find the best deal.

Getting preapproved is like having a VIP pass at a concert. It shows sellers you mean business and can actually afford the house you're eyeing.

Choosing a real estate agent? Go for someone who knows the first-time buyer ropes. They should be more than a guide; they should be your ally.

Narrow down your house and neighborhood. Think long-term – what fits your lifestyle now and in the future?

Stick to your budget like glue. It's easy to get carried away, but remember, a house is a long-term commitment, not a weekend fling.

Maximize those walk-throughs and open houses. They're your chance to sniff out any issues, literally and figuratively.

Don't skip the home inspections. It's like a health check-up for your house – essential and enlightening.

Negotiate! Whether it's repairs, closing costs, or the price itself, there's always room to talk.

Last but not least, get the right home insurance. It's not just a formality; it's your safety net.

So, there you have it, folks. Buying your first home doesn't have to be a maze. With these tips, you're not just walking into the housing market; you're strutting in. Let's make your home-owning dreams a reality!"

Now, were going to head over to CapCuT and click on magic tools

Then Script to Video

Past that script in there, pick your video size (1:1, 16:9), pick a voice and hit go! Here’s what it spit out 👇 go ahead and click play to see how it turned out.

Now is this video perfect? NO, but its a start and I’ve invested less than 5 minutes for this piece of content. It can still be edited in CapCut. The images can be replaced, logos added, add an intro/outro if you have them, you can go wild with the captions if you want and if you don’t like the script…you can change it.

Get In The Game!

Hey, all you incredible professionals out there – yes, I'm talking to you, the ones who are hesitating to post content because you're afraid it won't be perfect. Listen up, because this is important.

scared fraidy cat GIF

First off, let's get one thing straight: everyone sucks at first. That's right, everyone. When you start something new, it's not about being great right out of the gate; it's about having the courage to start and the resilience to keep going.

You see, the fear of sucking at something is the biggest killer of dreams and potential. But here's a little secret: the world doesn't care if you suck at first. What the world cares about is authenticity, consistency, and effort. Your journey, your growth, and your willingness to be vulnerable – that's what resonates with people.

Think about the first time you did anything. Were you a pro right away? No. You stumbled, you learned, and you got better. Content creation is no different. Every post you make, every video you share, is a step towards improvement. It's a learning curve, and trust me, it's worth riding.

The only way you'll truly suck is if you let your fear hold you back from even trying. The world needs your voice, your perspective, and your expertise. Whether you're a realtor, a mortgage broker, or any professional, you have something valuable to share.

So, start small if you have to. Make a post, us these tools we talked about today, share a thought, record a quick video. It doesn't have to be perfect; it just has to be you. And with each piece of content, you'll get better, more confident, and more impactful.

Remember, the biggest mistake you can make is not making any. So, embrace the suck, because on the other side of that fear is growth, opportunity, and success. Let's get out there and show the world what you've got!"



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