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The Circle Prospecting Blue Print, Concessions, iPhone Video Mastery, Ricky Carruth & NEED to Know Market Data

Thank You so much for opening this email and taking 5 minutes to read my newsletter. I hope you find some helpful value from todays read where we touch on: The Circle Prospecting Blue Print, Concessions, iPhone Video Mastery, Ricky Carruth & NEED to Know Market Data…

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Unlocking the Secrets of the 2023 Housing Market: A Data-Driven Guide for Realtors and Mortgage Pros

Think you know the 2023 housing market? Think again. The latest Zillow Consumer Housing Trends Report is not just a report; it's a roadmap to success for realtors and mortgage professionals. Let's decode the numbers and strategies that will set you apart in this competitive landscape.

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1. The Seller's Landscape: A Deep Dive The 2023 housing market is a complex puzzle, but the pieces are coming together. According to the report, 63% of sellers are simultaneously buying a new home. This dual role creates unique challenges and opportunities. As a realtor or mortgage professional, understanding this dynamic is crucial. Tailoring your services to address the needs of these dual-role players can set you apart.

2. Pricing Strategies: The Numbers Game Pricing a home is more art than science, but the data provides critical insights. The report reveals that 77% of sellers reduce their price at least once. This statistic is a wake-up call. It's not just about listing a home; it's about pricing it right from the start. Educating your clients about realistic pricing strategies can save time and frustration, leading to quicker sales and satisfied customers.

3. The Power of Online Marketing In today's digital age, online presence is everything. The report states that 82% of sellers use online resources to sell their home. This is a massive opportunity for digital-savvy realtors and mortgage professionals. Enhancing your online marketing strategies can significantly increase your visibility and appeal to a broader audience.

4. The Role of Real Estate Agents Despite the rise of digital platforms, the human element remains crucial. The report shows that 89% of sellers work with an agent. This statistic reaffirms the value of your role. Your expertise, experience, and personal touch can't be replicated by online tools alone. Building strong relationships and providing exceptional service will always be at the heart of successful real estate transactions.

5. The Impact of Home Improvements Home improvements can be a game-changer in selling a property. The report indicates that 50% of sellers make at least one improvement or repair before selling. Understanding the most impactful improvements and guiding your clients can significantly enhance the appeal and value of their property.

6. Closing the Deal: Timing and Challenges The report highlights that the average home sells in just three weeks, but challenges remain. Navigating these challenges efficiently is key to your success. Being proactive, anticipating potential issues, and having solutions ready can make the difference between a smooth transaction and a stressful one.

Conclusion: The 2023 housing market is full of opportunities and challenges. By leveraging these insights, you can position yourself as a knowledgeable and indispensable resource in this dynamic market. Remember, it's not just about the data; it's about how you use it to create value for your clients and stand out in your field.

Wake Up, Realtors! The Game's Changing: Seller Concessions Are the New Norm!

Hey, real estate hustlers! You feel that shift under your feet? That's the real estate market doing a 180, and if you're not paying attention, you're going to be left behind. Let's talk about the latest trend that's flipping the script: seller concessions. It's not just a blip; it's the new reality, and here's why it matters to you.

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The Big Shift: From Frenzy to Freebies

Remember the days when buyers were tripping over themselves to snag properties? Well, those days are taking a backseat. Now, it's the sellers rolling out the red carpet for buyers. We're talking about concessions in 35% of U.S. home sales as of October 2023. That's a steady climb from 27.6% two years ago. Why? Because mortgage rates are soaring, hitting their highest in 23 years this October. This isn't just a number; it's a game-changer.

What's on the Table? Everything!

Sellers aren't just slashing prices; they're throwing in everything but the kitchen sink. We're talking cash for repairs, closing costs, mortgage-rate buydowns – you name it. This isn't about desperation; it's about adaptation. Sellers are getting creative to seal the deal. And for buyers? It's like walking into a candy store with a 'Take What You Want' sign.

The New Buyer Power Play

Buyers today aren't just picky; they're empowered. They know what they want, and they're not afraid to walk away if they don't get it. This shift means more than just getting a good deal. It's about finding the perfect fit, and buyers are willing to wait for it.

The Numbers Don't Lie

Let's talk stats. About 53,000 U.S. home-purchase agreements got canned in September alone. That's 16.3% of homes under contract – the highest since October 2022. This isn't just a trend; it's a tidal wave.

Where's the Heat?

This trend isn't uniform; it's a mosaic. In Salt Lake City, concessions are through the roof – 63.3% of home sales. But in Boston? It's a mere 11.1%. This isn't just about location; it's about understanding your market's pulse.

The Why Behind the What

Why this seismic shift? Two words: new construction. Homebuilders are now a bigger slice of the market pie, offering deals to move inventory. But there's a catch – low housing inventory is still a thing, thanks to homeowners clinging to their low mortgage rates. This tension is what's shaping the market.

The Double Whammy: Price Cuts and Concessions

Some sellers are doubling down, offering concessions and cutting prices. We're seeing 14.4% of homes selling below asking price with concessions. This isn't just a strategy; it's a reflection of the market's complexity.

The Metro Mosaic

Every city tells a different story. While Salt Lake City is concession central, Chicago's seeing a drop. This isn't just data; it's a roadmap for where the market's heading.

The Bottom Line

This isn't just about numbers and trends. It's about understanding the new real estate playbook. Seller concessions are more than a tactic; they're a reflection of a market that's evolving, adapting, and challenging every real estate pro to step up their game.

So, what's your move? Are you going to ride this wave or get swept away? The choice is yours, but remember, in this market, it's adapt or get left behind. Let's go get it!

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9 Videos You Must Do This Week!

Hey, real estate rockstars! It's time to grab your cameras and step up your game. We're living in a digital-first world, and if you're not making waves online, you're basically invisible. Let's dive into the nine must-make videos that will catapult your brand into the stratosphere.

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The Humor Hero

Inject humor into your content. Whether it's a funny take on market trends or a light-hearted tour of a property, laughter is a universal language. It humanizes your brand and makes you relatable.

The Behind-the-Scenes Boss

People love seeing what goes on behind the curtain. Share your day-to-day life as a realtor. From staging a home to navigating paperwork – it's about showing the real you, the hustle, the challenges, and the wins.

The Local Love Video

Show off your area expertise. Create videos that highlight local businesses, events, or hidden gems in your community. This not only positions you as the go-to expert but also shows your love and commitment to your area.

The Green Screen Guru

First up, green screen videos. These aren't just cool; they're your ticket to engaging, informative content. Use them to showcase market stats, neighborhood highlights, or even fun facts. It's about adding depth and movement to your message. Remember, in a scroll-happy world, you need to stand out!

The Client Journey Showcase

Tell your clients' stories. From the first meeting to the closing day, document their journey. It's powerful, it's emotional, and it shows potential clients the kind of experience they can expect with you.

The Carousel of Creativity

Mix it up with carousel videos. These are perfect for storytelling, sharing client testimonials, or a series of quick tips. It's about giving your audience bite-sized content that's easy to digest and share.

The Market Maven

Regularly update your audience on the real estate market. Use graphs, charts, and your expert analysis to break down what's happening. This positions you as the knowledgeable pro who's got their finger on the pulse.

The DIY Dynamo

Share home improvement tips, DIY hacks, or design ideas. This kind of content is super shareable and shows that you're not just about selling homes, but also about helping people create their dream spaces.

The Hook Master

You've got seconds to grab attention. Start your videos with a bang! Whether it's a shocking stat, a bold question, or a hilarious one-liner, make sure your first few seconds are as addictive as that 'skip intro' button on Netflix.

The Bottom Line: Consistency, Authenticity, and Engagement

Now, here's the deal. It's not just about making these videos; it's about being consistent. Commit to a schedule. Whether it's once a week or twice a month, make sure your audience knows when to expect your awesome content.

And authenticity? Non-negotiable. Be real, be you. People can sniff out fakeness a mile away, and nothing beats genuine connection.

Lastly, engage with your audience. Respond to comments, ask for feedback, and be part of the conversation. Social media is a two-way street, and engagement is the fuel that keeps the traffic moving.

Wrap-Up: It's Showtime! So, there you have it. Nine video ideas that are game-changers. But remember, ideas are just the start. It's the action that counts. Grab your camera, hit record, and make some magic happen. It's time to show the world what you're made of. LFG!!!

Mastering iPhone 14 & 15 Pro Video for Social Media

In the dynamic world of real estate, where every detail and every moment counts, the iPhone 14 and 15 Pro emerge not just as smartphones, but as pivotal tools in the hands of realtors. These devices are more than mere communication tools; they are your personal cinematographers, ready to capture the essence of properties and client experiences in stunning detail.

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Empowering Realtors with Cutting-Edge Technology

Imagine a device that doesn't just keep you connected but transforms the way you present homes, engage with clients, and build your brand. The iPhone 14 and 15 Pro are designed to do just that. With their advanced camera systems, these phones are not just about making calls; they're about making an impact.

Tailoring the iPhone for Real Estate Brilliance

To leverage these technological marvels in the real estate realm, understanding the art of camera settings is crucial. For both the iPhone 14 and 15 Pro Max, consider:

  • Resolution: Embrace 4K for crystal-clear property showcases.

  • Frame Rate: Capture the fluidity of a home tour at 24 frames per second (fps). For dramatic effect, like highlighting water features or landscaping, use 4K at 60fps for slow-motion elegance.

  • HDR: Disable HDR when capturing fast-moving tours or creating quick, engaging content for social media.

  • Macro Mode: Use this to highlight intricate details of a property, from the texture of materials to the craftsmanship of decor.

  • Apple ProRAW: For those moments when every color and shadow matters, this format offers unparalleled post-production flexibility.

Adjusting these settings is intuitive. Navigate to Settings, select Camera, then Record Video. Quick toggles allow for swift changes between HD or 4K recording and various frame rates, ensuring you're always ready to capture the perfect shot.

Enhancing Your Real Estate Videos with FiLMiC Pro

For a more polished and professional look, FiLMiC Pro elevates your video capabilities. This app unlocks the full potential of your iPhone's camera, offering features like 10-bit SDR capture and advanced color grading, essential for making your property listings stand out on social media.

Cinematic Mode and ProRes for Storytelling

Utilize the Cinematic Mode in the iPhone 14 and 15 Pro Max to bring a storytelling element to your videos. This feature allows you to simulate depth and focus, adding a professional touch to your virtual tours. The ProRes codec ensures your footage retains the highest color fidelity, crucial for showcasing properties in their best light.

Lighting and Stability: The Key to Professional Footage

Good lighting is essential in real estate videography. Whether using natural light or supplementing with a ring light, ensure your properties are well-lit to highlight their best features. Stability is equally important. The Action Mode in the iPhone 14 Pro Max offers stabilization that can rival professional equipment, ensuring smooth, steady walkthroughs.

Capturing the Essence with Superior Audio

Remember, your narrative is as important as the visuals. External mics, like the RØDE VideoMic Me-L, ensure your commentary and the ambient sounds of the property are captured with clarity, providing a complete sensory experience to your audience.

Conclusion: Transforming Real Estate with Innovation. The iPhone 14 and 15 Pro Max are not just tools; they are your partners in redefining real estate marketing. In your hands, they become instruments of creativity and connection, helping you to weave stories around properties, engage clients more effectively, and build a brand that resonates in the digital age. Embrace these devices, and you embrace a new horizon in real estate.

Ricky Carruth: The Maverick of Real Estate Prospecting

In the high-stakes world of real estate, where success is as much about connections as it is about properties, Ricky Carruth stands out as a maverick. His story isn't just about making over a million dollars as a single agent; it's about how he rewrote the rules of prospecting. Ricky's approach demonstrates that the key to unlocking endless opportunities in real estate lies in building genuine relationships.

The Art of Circle Prospecting: Ricky's Game-Changer

Ricky's journey from "Zero to Diamond" isn't just a catchy phrase; it's a

philosophy that underpins his entire approach. He's a live-wire in live prospecting, showcasing a method that's as effective as it is engaging. His secret weapon? A blend of helpfulness and friendly charm that turns cold calls into warm conversations.

Imagine this: Ricky jumps on a call, "Hey, this is Ricky with RE/MAX at Orange Beach, how are you?" It's simple, direct, and disarmingly genuine. He quickly follows up, "Good. Hey, I don’t want to take up too much of your time, there were a bunch of units that sold in your area and there’s nothing on the market. Is there anything in the world I can do for you?" This isn't just a script; it's a masterclass in efficient communication.

Relationships Over Transactions: The Only Way

In the Carruth school of business, it's all about value - and Ricky gets it. He's not chasing the quick buck; he's building a network, brick by brick. This is real estate with a twist. It's not about the immediate sale; it's about the long-term relationship. It's about being the guy they think of when they're ready to make a move, not just the guy who made a sale.

Confidence and Charisma: The Ricky Formula

Watching Ricky work is like watching a shark in water - completely in his element. He's got the confidence, the charisma, and yeah, the charm too. But it's not just showmanship; it's strategy. He keeps his energy high and his approach personal, even when he's getting the door slammed in his face. That's resilience. That's the kind of grit you need to make it.

Ricky's Blueprint: A New Era in Real Estate

What Ricky's doing here is rewriting the rules. He's showing that in real estate, the biggest asset isn't the property; it's the people. His approach is a masterclass in the Cuban way of doing business - be direct, be valuable, and above all, be real.

In conclusion: Ricky Carruth isn't just a successful real estate agent; he's a trailblazer. His approach to circle prospecting, rooted in genuine relationships and effective communication, offers invaluable lessons for anyone looking to make their mark in the real estate industry.



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