Edition 23010

Rates, American Spirts, Drama, Equity Splits, Gen Z, Breakfast, Scripts & Open Houses

YO! Thank You so much for opening this email and taking 5 minutes to read my newsletter. I Hope you have a great weekend and find some helpful value from todays read where we touch on Rates, American Spirts, Drama, Equity Splits, Gen Z, Breakfast, Scripts & Open Houses!

p.s. If you find any value here today, all I ask is you share this newsletter with your industry sphere. Much Appreciated ~TB

The Game-Changing Moves in Mortgage Rates

Alright, let's talk business. Mortgage rates? They decided to play it cool this Friday, barely budging. But here's the kicker: just a day before, they took a sharp dive. Now, I've seen my fair share of charts, and the long-term one for these rates? Not the prettiest sight. But, as any entrepreneur knows, every peak has its valley. The higher these rates climb, the closer we get to a potential shift.

Now, I'm no economist, but here's a simple truth: The Fed hikes up short-term rates to put a damper on economic demand and, in turn, drive prices down. So, in a weird twist of fate, these rising rates might just be the very thing that brings them back down. Think of it as the market's way of self-correcting.

Recently, the Fed's been dropping some hints. They're suggesting that the rapid ascent of long-term rates might be all the action they need to see, meaning they might hold off on hiking those short-term rates. They've also been hearing whispers of the economy slowing down, even if the hard data doesn't show it yet.

Here's where it gets interesting. Over the past couple of weeks, these long-term rates have been bouncing off a ceiling. We're talking about the psychological barrier of "5% Treasury Yields!" Some investors see this as a golden opportunity to buy bonds, while others think it's a sign to hold steady and wait for the next big market mover.

And speaking of big moves, next week's going to be a doozy. We've got a lineup of top-tier economic data releases, including the all-important jobs report. The Fed's also set to make its latest rate announcement, and we'll get a peek at the U.S. Treasury's borrowing plans for upcoming auctions.

While the Fed's likely to keep rates steady, the market's going to hang on their every word, looking for any hint or confirmation of their recent musings. And the data? It's the wild card. If it backs up those rumors of an economic slowdown, we could see rates holding firm. But if it paints a rosy picture? We might just see those 10yr yields pushing past 5%, and mortgage rates? They could be eyeing the 8% mark.

In the world of business and investment, it's all about staying ahead of the curve. So, keep an eye on the numbers, listen to the chatter, and always be ready to make your next move.

The Resilient Spirit of the American Housing Market

In the vast landscape of the American dream, homeownership stands as a beacon of achievement and stability. It's a testament to hard work, perseverance, and the unwavering belief in a brighter tomorrow. And while the current housing market presents its set of challenges, the American spirit remains unyielding, proving that we can rise above any obstacle.

Despite soaring mortgage rates and a tight grip on inventory, a remarkable phenomenon has emerged: pending home sales have risen for three consecutive months. At first glance, this might seem like a mere statistical anomaly, but delve deeper, and you'll find a story of resilience and adaptability. It's not just about numbers; it's about the indomitable spirit of the American people, who, time and again, have shown that they can navigate the stormiest of seas.

Kate Wood, a renowned home and mortgage expert at NerdWallet, has shed light on the current state of the market. She points out the hurdles we face, from the constrained inventory that has potential homeowners vying for limited options to the escalating prices that challenge even the most budget-conscious. Add to this the rising mortgage rates, and one might think the dream of homeownership is drifting further away.

But here's where the narrative takes a hopeful turn. Amidst the challenges, there are glimmers of promise. New home sales, often overshadowed by the allure of pre-existing homes, are carving out a niche for themselves. They're not just an alternative; they're becoming a vital part of the solution to our housing challenges.

The National Association of REALTORS' chief economist, Lawrence Yun, has highlighted the potential role of these new home sales in revitalizing the market. It's a refreshing perspective that shifts the focus from the problems to the possibilities. The new home sales market has continued to exceed expectations, growing beyond the confines of traditional predictions.

Regionally, the landscape is diverse. While some areas face transactional dips, others, like the Midwest and South, are poised for a robust comeback. These regions, often overlooked in the past, are now emerging as frontrunners, leading the charge in the housing market's recovery. Yun's optimism about these regions isn't unfounded. They offer affordability, rapid job creation, and a quality of life that's drawing more Americans every day.

So, what does all this mean for the average American aspiring to own a piece of the dream? It means that hope is not lost. It means that with the right mindset, informed decisions, and a bit of patience, the dream of homeownership is very much within reach. It's a testament to our nation's tenacity and the belief that challenges are merely stepping stones to greater achievements.

In conclusion, the American housing market, much like the American spirit, is resilient. It bends but does not break. It faces challenges head-on and emerges stronger on the other side. As we navigate the complexities of the current market, let's remember that our collective spirit, determination, and belief in a brighter tomorrow will see us through. The dream of homeownership is alive and well, and with the right approach, it's a dream that's attainable for all.

Gaining the Trust of Gen Z Homebuyers: A Guide for Loan Originators and Realtors

In today's rapidly evolving real estate market, a new generation is stepping into the spotlight: Generation Z. Born between the mid-1990s and early 2010s, this cohort is now entering the homebuying scene with unique perspectives, values, and concerns. Recent studies have shed light on Gen Z's skepticism about the financial benefits of homeownership and their lack of confidence in the homebuying process. For loan originators and realtors, understanding and addressing these concerns is crucial. Here's how you can gain the trust of Gen Z homebuyers and guide them through their homebuying journey.

1. Educate to Empower

A significant 39% of Gen Z respondents cited a lack of knowledge as a barrier to buying a home. As professionals in the industry, it's our responsibility to bridge this knowledge gap. Offer workshops, webinars, and informational sessions tailored to first-time homebuyers. Use social media platforms, which Gen Z frequents, to share bite-sized educational content, infographics, and explainer videos. The more informed they are, the more confident they'll feel about making a purchase.

2. Foster Genuine Relationships

Trust is the cornerstone of any successful business relationship. With Gen Z being notably less trusting of loan officers and real estate agents compared to millennials, it's essential to build genuine, transparent relationships. Be open about the homebuying process, fees involved, and potential challenges. Regular check-ins, prompt responses, and a willingness to answer questions can go a long way in establishing trust.

3. Provide Comprehensive Home Maintenance Resources

Nearly 30% of Gen Z homebuyers expressed concerns about their ability to maintain their homes. Address this by offering resources on home maintenance. Collaborate with local contractors or home improvement professionals to host workshops. Create a first-time homeowner's maintenance guide, complete with seasonal checklists and DIY tips. By equipping Gen Z buyers with the tools they need, you not only alleviate their concerns but also position yourself as a valuable, ongoing resource.

4. Offer Financial Guidance and Support

Financial apprehensions are real for Gen Z. Only 14% feel they have the financial advice and support they need. Partner with financial advisors to offer seminars on budgeting, saving, and understanding mortgage terms. Consider creating a financial toolkit for first-time buyers, complete with mortgage calculators, budgeting templates, and a glossary of financial terms.

5. Leverage Technology

Gen Z is the first truly digital-native generation. They value seamless, tech-driven experiences. Implement user-friendly online platforms for document submissions, virtual home tours, and digital communication. Using technology to simplify and streamline the homebuying process can resonate strongly with Gen Z buyers.

6. Prioritize Authenticity and Integrity

Gen Z values authenticity. They can spot inauthentic marketing tactics a mile away. Prioritize genuine interactions, be transparent about the pros and cons of a property, and avoid overselling. Your honesty will be appreciated and can set the foundation for a long-lasting relationship.

7. Encourage Feedback and Reviews

Encourage satisfied Gen Z clients to leave reviews and testimonials. Positive peer reviews can significantly influence Gen Z's decision-making process. Moreover, be open to feedback and continuously adapt your services to better meet the needs of this generation.

8. Understand Their Values

Gen Z is socially conscious and values sustainability, diversity, and inclusivity. Showcase properties with eco-friendly features, and ensure your marketing materials reflect diverse demographics. By aligning with their values, you demonstrate that you're not just in it for the sale, but that you genuinely understand and respect their priorities.

In conclusion, gaining the trust of Gen Z homebuyers requires a blend of education, authenticity, and tech-savviness. By understanding their unique concerns and values, loan originators and realtors can position themselves as trusted allies in the homebuying journey, ensuring a brighter future for the real estate industry.

Flipping the Script on Home Equity: The New Wave and What You Need to Know

Listen up, everyone! The game's changing, and if you're not paying attention, you're gonna miss out. We're talking about home equity sharing agreements. Yeah, you heard that right. This isn't your grandma's way of dealing with property. This is the future, and it's going mainstream.

Now, for those of you living under a rock, let me break it down. Home equity sharing agreements are where you get cash NOW in exchange for a slice of your home's future appreciation. Think of it as getting a teammate for your property game. And guess what? Big players like DBRS Morningstar are jumping in, making this whole thing legit.

A couple of years back, Redwood Trust and Point teamed up and made history with the first securitization backed by these agreements. Fast forward to now, and we've got a whopping $224 million in notes backed by home equity agreements. That's not chump change, folks.

But here's where it gets juicy. Homeowners can tap into their equity without the headache of monthly payments. No debt, just opportunity. But, and it's a big BUT, you've got to know what you're getting into. These aren't loans. They're agreements. And they come with their own set of rules.

The Real Deal with Home Equity Investment

Imagine getting cash in hand in exchange for a piece of your home's future worth. Sounds sweet, right? But remember, this isn't a loan. You're not dealing with crazy interest rates. Instead, you're giving away a piece of your home's future pie. Need cash for renovations? Want to pay off some nasty debt? Or maybe you're eyeing that second property? This could be your ticket.

But, like everything in life, there's a catch. These agreements have terms, usually spanning 10 to 30 years. And when the clock runs out, you've got to pay up. Either you buy back the equity share, or you sell or refinance your home.

Now, I know what you're thinking. What if my home's value tanks? Companies like Splitero have got your back. They'll share in the losses if your property's value drops. But if your home's value skyrockets? Well, you're sharing that too.

Is This the Right Move for Investors?

For all my real estate hustlers out there, this is the million-dollar question. Can you leverage these agreements to expand your empire? The answer isn't black and white. It depends on your game plan.

With no monthly payments, your cash flow stays strong. And if you're smart, you can use that to grow your portfolio. But, and I can't stress this enough, you've got to do your homework. Understand the terms, crunch the numbers, and for the love of everything, get some legal advice.

The Bigger Picture

Remember the 2007 housing crash? Yeah, that was rough. And some folks are getting déjà vu vibes with these new equity-sharing securities. But here's the thing: the game's evolved. With more oversight and regulations, we're in a different ballpark.

The Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA) is even considering giving these agreements a green light. Their goal? Make housing more affordable. And with the average American homeowner sitting on a goldmine of equity, this could be a game-changer.

Final Thoughts

Home equity investments are shaking up the real estate world. They're offering homeowners a fresh way to tap into their property's value. But like every opportunity, it comes with risks. So, whether you're a homeowner or an investor, stay informed, stay hungry, and always be ready to adapt.

Alright, y'all, gather 'round, 'cause Ai Katt's got a story to tell, and trust me, it's wilder than a cat with its tail on fire!

So, we're out here in KANSAS CITY, Missouri. Yeah, I said it, Missouri, where the final day of the second week of this Sitzer/Burnett commission lawsuit trial is going down. Now, the National Association of Realtors tried to pull a fast one, asking for a judgment as a matter of law. But Judge Stephen Bough was like, "Nah, not today!" and shut that down real quick.

Now, here comes the main event: Mr. Gary Keller, stepping up to the plate. This man, co-founder and CEO of Keller Williams, gets on the stand and starts breaking it down. He's out here saying, "Look, Keller Williams ain't got nothing to do with setting commission rates." He's all about that local flavor, saying rates are set on a case-by-case basis. And let me tell you, he ain't too fond of folks in the industry telling agents how to run their business. Can I get an amen?

Gary also brought up his books, talking about how they're just templates for agents. And get this, when his book dropped in '96, there wasn't even data on commissions. So, when he's talking about a 6% commission rate, he's just shooting in the dark, rounding up from the 5.6% to 5.7% he saw back in the day. Man's just trying to make an educated guess!

Now, here's where it gets juicy. Gary's out here showing slides at these big ol' Keller Williams events, talking about commissions and whatnot. And he's got this one slide that's all about dispelling the myth of the "standard commission rate." In his words, "The 6% commission is a mythical animal." I mean, come on, y'all, a mythical animal? What is this, Narnia?

But wait, there's more! Gary's also addressing these wild claims that he's conspiring to keep commissions high. He's like, "That's ludicrous!" And let me tell you, I hear the word "ludicrous," I'm thinking about the rapper, not some conspiracy theory!

Now, the defense is wrapping up, and closing arguments are coming up next. So, grab your popcorn, 'cause this show ain't over!

And for all y'all following along, keep checking The Affluent Factor. We've got the play-by-play, live from Kansas City. It's like the Super Bowl of real estate, baby!

The Bangin' Breakfast Sandwich

Alright, buckle up, Foodie Nation! We're about to take a ride to Flavortown with this dynamite breakfast sandwich that's gonna light up your taste buds like the 4th of July!


  • 4 gnarly English muffins, toasted to crispy perfection

  • 4 slices of that real-deal cheddar cheese

  • 4 large eggs, fresh from the coop

  • 4 slices of primo Canadian bacon or ham, whichever revs your engine

  • Salt and pepper, to kick it up a notch

  • 2 tablespoons of butter, for that rich, melt-in-your-mouth goodness

  • Optional: Hot sauce, if you're ready to take a trip to Spicytown!


  1. Prep the Muffins: Start by firing up your oven broiler. Split those English muffins in half and lay 'em out on a baking sheet. We're going for a golden-brown toast here, folks!

  2. Cheese It Up: Once those bad boys are toasted, slap a slice of cheddar on each muffin half. Pop 'em back under the broiler for a hot minute until that cheese is bubbling and ooey-gooey.

  3. Eggscellent Move: While the muffins are doing their thing, grab a non-stick skillet and melt that butter over medium heat. Crack those eggs into the skillet, season with a pinch of salt and pepper, and fry 'em up until they're just the way you like 'em. I'm talking sunny-side up with a slightly runny yolk. Yum!

  4. Bring on the Bacon: In the same skillet, toss in the Canadian bacon or ham slices. We're looking to get a nice sear on both sides. You want that smoky, caramelized flavor that's gonna send this sandwich to the next level!

  5. Assemble the Beast: Take your cheesy muffin halves and stack 'em up! Start with the Canadian bacon or ham, followed by that perfectly fried egg. If you're feeling wild, drizzle some hot sauce on top for an extra kick.

  6. Dive In: Grab that sandwich, give it a good press to let that yolk run, and take a big bite! Welcome to Flavortown, my friend!

And there you have it, folks! My out-of-bounds breakfast sandwich that's gonna rock your morning and fuel your day. Keep on cookin' and livin' life in the fast lane!

Circle Prospecting Script: Cash Buyers in Your Neighborhood

Agent: Hello! Is this [Homeowner's Name]?

Homeowner: Yes, this is [Homeowner's Name]. Who's this?

Agent: Hi [Homeowner's Name], my name is [Your Name], and I'm a local real estate agent with [Your Agency]. I hope I'm not catching you at a bad time. I just wanted to share some exciting news about the real estate market in your neighborhood.

Homeowner: Oh? What's that?

Agent: Well, I recently hosted an open house just a few streets away from you, and the response was incredible! We had a significant number of home buyers show up, and here's the kicker: many of them are ready to pay in all cash. It's quite surprising, with interest rates being at all-time highs right now this is fast becoming our new norm.

Homeowner: Really? That's interesting.

Agent: Absolutely! It seems there's an influx of well-qualified cash buyers looking for homes in the area. With this kind of demand, it got me thinking about homeowners like you. Have you ever thought about what your home might be worth in this current market?

What would you say it’s worth right now?

Homeowner: I haven't really given it much thought, but now that you mention it...

Agent: It's definitely something to consider, especially with the current buyer demand. If you're curious, I'd be more than happy to provide a complimentary home valuation for you. No strings attached. It's always good to know your home's value, whether you're thinking of selling now or in the future.

Homeowner: That sounds interesting. Tell me more.

Agent: Great! Let's set up a time to chat further. I can share more insights about the market, and we can discuss the potential value of your home. How does that sound?

This script is designed to pique the homeowner's interest by highlighting the unique market conditions and the potential value of their property. It offers value without being pushy, making it more likely for the homeowner to engage in a conversation.

Open House This Weekend?

Here’s a lead magnet for your social media posts

🏡 Exclusive Open House Preview! 🏡

Hey there, future homeowners! 🌟 Before our big open house this weekend, we're offering a Sneak Peek Guide filled with insider tips on what to look for in your dream home, a checklist for comparing properties, and exclusive insights about the local market. 📈

🔥 Bonus: The first 20 to download will get a personalized home buying consultation after the open house!

Join us this weekend and let's find the perfect place for you to call home. 🏠❤️

#OpenHouseMagic #HomeBuyingJourney #DreamHomeFinder

Here are five one-liners to help engage walk-ins during your open house:

  1. "What brought you to today's open house? Are you exploring the neighborhood or looking for something specific in a home?"

  2. "How does this home compare to others you've seen? Anything stand out for you?"

  3. "Are you currently living in the area, or are you considering a move from somewhere else?"

  4. "What's the most important feature you're looking for in your next home?"

  5. "How long have you been on the home buying journey? Found any close contenders yet?"

Each of these prompts is designed to initiate a conversation, allowing walk-ins to share more about their interests and needs in their home search.

Here are five one-liners tailored for a mortgage representative attending the open house:

  1. "Ever wondered how much house you can truly afford? Let's chat and crunch some numbers together!"

  2. "Navigating mortgage options can be tricky. Stop by and let me simplify it for you in just a few minutes!"

  3. "Got questions about down payments or interest rates? I'm here to provide clarity on all things mortgage!"

  4. "Thinking about financing options for your dream home? Let's discuss the best mortgage deals available for you right now."

  5. "From pre-approvals to closing costs, I've got the answers to all your mortgage queries. Let's make your home buying journey smoother!"

These one-liners are designed to engage potential homebuyers, emphasizing the value and expertise the mortgage representative brings to the open house.


or to participate.