Edition 23008

Everything you need to know about AirBNB and how to list them, Shenanigans & Lead Capture.

Yo! Thank You so much for opening this email and taking 5 minutes to read my newsletter. Today we touch on everything Airbnb, craft a cold outreach pitch (email, live call & voicemail), cases studies on Airbnb/sexual shenanigans & demo an Ai tool that will help with lead capture.

p.s. If you find any value here today, all I ask is you share this newsletter with your sphere. Much Appreciated ~TB

NYC vs. Airbnb: The Hustle, The Grind, and The Reality

Yo, fam! Let's talk about the Big Apple 🍎 and its relationship with Airbnb. If you've ever dreamt of living like a New Yorker for a few days, Airbnb was your golden ticket. But here's the deal: NYC's got a housing situation. Rent's sky-high, and people are hustling hard to find a spot to call home.

Now, the city's been having beef with Airbnb for a while. Why? Because most of these short-term rentals were kinda... illegal. But hey, people did it anyway. Why? The hustle, the grind, the cash. But things are changing, and here's the lowdown:

The New Rules in Town: NYC's got this new rule, Local Law 18. It's making hosts jump through hoops to list their places. The result? A whopping 85% drop in short-term rentals in just two months. That's massive!

Who's Pushing Back? Some hosts ain't happy. They've formed this group, Rhoar, trying to get the city to chill on the rules. They're saying, "Hey, we need this income!" But the city's like, "We need housing for New Yorkers."

What's the Global Impact? The world's watching. NYC's a big player, and how this plays out could set the tone for other cities dealing with Airbnb.

The Real Deal for Tourists: Prices are going up, options are going down. Some tourists are getting creative, looking for under-the-table deals. But let's be real, it's a gamble.

What's Next for NYC Residents? There's hope that more housing will open up for long-term residents. But the housing game in NYC? It's always been wild. Too many people, not enough spots.


Listen, the world's changing, and the way we travel and live is evolving. Whether you're Team Airbnb or Team NYC, one thing's for sure: adaptability is key. Keep grinding, keep adapting, and most importantly, keep the empathy and understanding flowing.

Airbnb: The Comeback Kid or Just a Hype? Let's Dive Deep!

Hey! So, there's a lot of chatter about Airbnb. Some say it's on its way out, others think it's just getting started. Let's cut through the noise and get to the heart of it. Real talk. No fluff.

The Deep Dive with Jamie Lane: So, I was locked into this episode of Anderson Business Advisors, and Toby Mathis is chatting with Jamie Lane from AirDNA. This isn't just some random chat; Jamie's the Chief Economist over there. He's got the inside scoop, the numbers that most folks aren't even thinking about.

What's Up with the Numbers? Here's where it gets juicy. Short-term rentals? They're not just surviving; they're thriving. Sure, there's a bit of normalization happening, but the industry's far from dead. Jamie's data is showing some fascinating trends in the STR space. It's not just about tourists crashing for a weekend; it's evolving, adapting, and growing in ways we didn't see coming.

Big City Lights vs. Hidden Treasures: Everyone's all about the big cities, but Jamie's data is pointing to something interesting. Secondary spots, places off the beaten path, are seeing a surge. And the revenue? It's not just good; it's great. These hidden gems are where the smart money's heading.

The Future's Not Just Bright; It's Blinding: Looking ahead to 2024, Jamie's spotting opportunities that most of us haven't even considered. New areas ripe for STR investment, evolving trends, and shifts in traveler behavior. If you're thinking Airbnb's had its day, think again.

Laws, Restrictions, and the Real Story: Yeah, there's noise. Cities are putting up barriers, throwing in restrictions. But here's the thing: where there's a will, there's a way. The data's showing that despite the challenges, Airbnb's finding its groove, adapting, and coming out stronger.


Alright, team, here's the deal: In a world that's constantly changing, you've got to stay informed, stay agile, and be ready to pivot. Don't just follow the crowd; dig deep, get the facts, and make moves based on knowledge, not just hearsay. Let's keep learning, keep growing, and absolutely crush it in the STR game!

Airbnb: The Ultimate "Do Not Disturb" Experience

So, you're scrolling through Airbnb, right? Dreaming of that next getaway where you can escape your roommate who thinks 3 AM is the perfect time for a solo karaoke session. You're about to book when you see that cleanup fee. You're thinking, "What happened here? Did someone try to recreate a Jackson Pollock painting with spaghetti sauce?"

Well, folks, let me tell you, it's a lot more... intimate than that.

According to this study that I'm 99% sure was conducted by someone with way too much time on their hands, Airbnb guests are getting BUSY. And I don't mean they're catching up on emails. No, they're turning these vacation spots into their personal love nests. And let me tell you, the bedroom? That's just the opening act.

Over half of these guests are exploring their... adventurous side. They're making memories in the shower, on the couch, and even on the kitchen counter. I mean, who needs a bed when you've got a perfectly good kitchen table? Just remember to clear off the leftover pizza first.

Now, 25% of these lovebirds are turning the shower into their personal "romance waterfall." And 7%? They're getting frisky in the kitchen. I always knew that toaster had a certain allure. But next time you're making toast, maybe give it a second thought... and a thorough cleaning.

But wait, there's more! Some hosts have walked into post-rental scenes that would make even the boldest blush. We're talking props that belong in an R-rated movie, and sheets that have stories they're probably dying to tell. I mean, if those sheets could talk, they'd probably scream for a good wash.

So, the next time you're booking an Airbnb, just remember: it's not just a place to sleep. It's a place where wild stories are born. And if you're one of those adventurous souls, maybe leave a tip for the cleaning crew. They've probably seen it all, but a little extra for their troubles never hurt!

Stay wild, stay safe, and always remember to pack your sense of humor. Because in the world of Airbnb, you never quite know what you're walking into.

Realtors & Airbnb Owners: The Unexpected Love Story

So, you're a realtor, right? You've got the sharp suit, the flashy car, and the ability to make a basement apartment sound like a "cozy subterranean retreat." But here's the thing: while you're out there chasing traditional listings, there's a goldmine you're probably overlooking - Airbnb owners!

Now, I know what you're thinking. "Why would an Airbnb owner want to sell? They're making bank renting out their 'luxurious getaway with a view of the neighbor's cat.'" But stick with me here.

The Setup:
Airbnb owners are entrepreneurs. They've got that property hustle going on. But like all good things, sometimes it comes to an end. Maybe they're tired of cleaning up after guests who think towels are single-use items. Or perhaps they're just ready to cash in on that investment.

The Pitch:
This is where you come in, Mr. or Ms. Realtor. Slide into their DMs (professionally, of course) and lay it out. "Hey, ever thought about selling? The market's hot, and your place is hotter. Let's turn that nightly rate into a big payday."

The Win-Win:
Here's the beauty of it. These Airbnb owners have already done half the work for you. Their places are usually decked out, well-maintained, and have killer photos from their listing. Plus, with all those rave reviews? It's like having a house with its own fan club.

The Close:
Now, I'm not saying every Airbnb owner is ready to hand over their keys. But with the right pitch, you might just find a few gems. And for them? They get to cash out, maybe buy a new place, and start the Airbnb hustle all over again.

So, realtors, next time you're scrolling through Airbnb, dreaming of your next vacation, remember: that dreamy beachfront condo or chic city loft could be your next big listing. Shoot your shot, make the connection, and let's turn those short-term rentals into long-term paydays!

BONUS! Scroll down below for cold outreach scripts and best practices for talking with Air BNB Owners. Go get these listings!

MEMES of the Day!

Lets Get Some New ListingsπŸ‘‡ πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡

Cold outreach can be tricky, but with the right approach, you can make a lasting impression. Here are 10 best practices to consider:

  1. Research First: Before reaching out, take the time to research the property and the owner. Personalizing your approach based on specific details can make a huge difference in your success rate.

  2. Clear Value Proposition: Be clear about why you're reaching out and the value you can offer. Whether it's a high demand from investors or a booming market, make sure the potential client understands the benefits of working with you.

  3. Be Respectful of Their Time: Keep your initial outreach concise. Offer enough information to pique their interest, but don't overwhelm them with a lengthy pitch.

  4. Use Multiple Channels: Don't rely solely on email. Consider using phone calls, LinkedIn, or even handwritten letters. Different channels can yield different results, and some people may respond better to one method over another.

  5. Follow Up, But Don't Stalk: If you don't get a response right away, it's okay to follow up. However, be mindful of not coming off as too aggressive. Space out your follow-ups and consider changing your approach if you're not getting a response.

  6. Offer Social Proof: Share testimonials or case studies from other Airbnb owners you've worked with. This can help build trust and show potential clients that you have a track record of success.

  7. Be Transparent: If you have a connection to the potential client or any mutual contacts, mention it. Transparency can help build trust and make your outreach feel less "cold."

  8. Stay Updated: The real estate market is always evolving. Stay updated on market trends, investor demands, and other relevant information. This will help you offer timely and relevant insights to potential clients.

  9. Listen Actively: If you get a response, listen to the potential client's concerns, questions, and needs. Tailor your approach based on their feedback and show them that you value their input.

  10. Stay Professional: Always maintain a professional tone and demeanor, even if you face rejection. Remember, today's "no" could be tomorrow's "yes." Leaving a positive impression can open doors for future opportunities.

Remember, cold outreach is as much about building relationships as it is about making a sale. Approach each potential client with genuine interest and a desire to help, and you'll increase your chances of success.

The Scripts!

Cold Email:

Subject: Unlocking the Full Potential of Your Airbnb Property

Hello [Airbnb Owner's Name],

I hope this email finds you well. My name is [Your Name], and I'm a realtor with [Your Realty Company]. I've been working closely with real estate investors who are actively seeking unique properties like yours, and I believe there's a significant opportunity for you to capitalize on the current market demand.

Your Airbnb property, with its rave reviews and prime location, caught my attention. While I'm sure it's a profitable venture for you, I wanted to present an alternative that could offer a substantial return on your investment.

I represent a network of investors who are interested in properties with a proven track record like yours. If you've ever considered selling or are curious about the potential value of your property in today's market, I'd love to discuss this further.

Please let me know if you're open to a conversation. I'm confident we can find a solution that benefits you greatly.

Warm regards,

[Your Name] [Your Contact Information]

Cold Phone Call Script:

Hello, is this [Airbnb Owner's Name]?

Hi, [Airbnb Owner's Name], my name is [Your Name] from [Your Realty Company]. I hope I'm not catching you at a bad time. I came across your Airbnb listing, and I was genuinely impressed by the reviews and the property itself.

I work with a group of real estate investors who are actively looking for standout properties like yours. While Airbnb is a fantastic platform, I believe there's an opportunity for you to maximize your return on investment by considering a sale to our network of eager investors.

Have you ever thought about what your property might be worth in the current market? Or perhaps explored the idea of selling?

Voicemail Script:

Hello, [Airbnb Owner's Name],

This is [Your Name] from [Your Realty Company]. I recently came across your Airbnb property and was truly impressed. I work with a network of real estate investors who are on the lookout for unique properties like yours. I believe there's a significant opportunity for you to capitalize on the current market demand.

I'd love to discuss this further and explore the potential value of your property. Please give me a call back at [Your Phone Number] at your earliest convenience. Looking forward to connecting with you. Have a great day!

Remember, personalization is key. Tailoring your approach to each Airbnb owner and highlighting the unique aspects of their property can make your outreach more effective.

Ai Tool Of the Day! ~ Foxy Apps

FoxyApps is an AI-powered platform designed to transform your blog into a lead generation powerhouse. The service allows users to embed lead magnet apps directly into their websites, converting visitors into leads without any additional effort.

Key Features:

  1. Interactive Blog Enhancement: While most blogs are non-interactive, FoxyApps energizes them by adding interactive elements, thereby increasing engagement and excitement for every post published.

  2. Benefits of Using FoxyApps: By integrating FoxyApps, blogs can experience increased time spent by visitors on the website and heightened brand awareness.

  3. Lead Magnet Activation: Users can set up a lead magnet where AI provides free value to visitors. This can then be used as an upsell opportunity, enhancing conversion rates without extra effort.

  4. Easy Integration: Users can explore hundreds of lead magnets across various categories, select their desired one, and embed it into their blog post with just a single line of code. This process is designed for non-techies and can be set up in seconds.

  5. Automated Lead Collection: When visitors use the app embedded in the blog, they need to input their email address. This allows the blog owner to collect personal information and other submitted data, turning it into a lead generation advantage.

  6. Personalized Outreach: After collecting leads, users can send follow-up emails pitching premium products or services. These messages can be personalized using the data collected from the previous step.

  7. CRM Integration: FoxyApps can be integrated with preferred CRM platforms, automating the process and eliminating the need for script maintenance or app updates.

  8. No-Code App Builder: FoxyApps empowers both developers and non-developers to create AI-based apps using a no-code builder. These apps can be published on the FoxyApps marketplace, and creators can monetize their apps, earning revenue every time someone uses them.

Benefits for Realtors and Loan Originators:

  1. Lead Generation: By embedding FoxyApps into their blogs or websites, realtors and loan originators can capture the contact details of potential clients interested in real estate or loan services.

  2. Personalized Outreach: Using the data collected, professionals can send tailored messages to potential clients, increasing the chances of conversion.

  3. Stay Top-of-Mind: By offering valuable AI-powered tools and insights through FoxyApps, realtors and loan originators can position themselves as industry experts, staying top-of-mind with potential clients.

  4. Automated Processes: The integration with CRM platforms ensures that leads are automatically funneled into the sales process, allowing professionals to focus on closing deals rather than manual data entry.

  5. Monetization Opportunities: Realtors and loan originators can also create and monetize their own apps, offering specialized tools or calculators relevant to their industry.

In conclusion, FoxyApps offers a dynamic solution for realtors and loan originators to enhance their online presence, generate leads, and automate processes, all while providing value to their audience.


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